No.8 Silent Screams

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In my heart, a silent scream,
Echoes through my broken dreams.

My voice is lost in the fray,
As I plead for help each day.

I writhe in pain, but none can hear,
My cries for help fall on deaf ears.

And so I suffer, trapped within,
A silence that eclipses my sin.

The weight of my sorrows, I cannot bear,
As I pray for someone to be there.

But my heart continues to scream, 
A sound that only I can deem.

It echoes through the darkness deep, 
And haunts me still as I try to sleep.

My soul aches with endless pain,
But it seems my cries are all in vain.

For no one can see the pain I hide,
And so I continue to suffer inside.

And yet, amidst the deepest gloom,
I hold onto hope, a flickering bloom.

For though my cries may be silent and unseen, 

I know that someday my heart will be clean.

And in that light, I'll find my way,
Towards a brighter and happier day.

Where my heart's silent scream will fade away.

And I'll finally be able to live, love, and play.

Free from the burden of my pain.

I'll dance in the sunshine and embrace the rain.

All my worries and fears, I'll leave behind.

And a new chapter of my life, I'll begin to find.

The colors of the world will once again seem bright.

And I'll soar through the skies like a bird in flight.

But now my silent screams,
My pleads for help.
I'm begging for sombody save me.

Though for now my self-destruction,
My self-neglect.
My silent screams for help will never save me.

As I continue to drown in the depths of my own despair.

I'll keep searching for a way out of this dark lair.

Locked behind the bars,
In the cages of my own mind.

Will I ever escape this internal torture?

Or will I forever be confined?
Trapped, and hostage by my own mental health.

But I'll keep fighting, seeking the light, and never giving up on myself.

As much as I wish and want to give in,
I refuse to abandon those who do notice.

The love, the support, their unwavering belief in me
Gives me strength to break free from the darkness and see.

The beauty of life that's waiting for me, just beyond these bars and cages of my mind.

Who will not let my mental struggles define me or keep me confined.

For I am stronger than my thoughts and fears,
And I will find happiness and peace throughout the years.

Though as of now,
I remain broken, begging, pleading.

For a way out of this internal suffering, my mind repeating.

But I know deep down that I hold the key,
To unlock the cage and set myself free.

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