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Sara woke up early and saw Barry sleeping she decided to let him sleep and leave before he woke up as she knew she was finding it hard to leave him. Sara got changed and went to Barry and kissed his lip "I love you Barry" said Sara stroking his cheek she left with a note behind. Sara drove to Star Labs hangar and went to Time Ship. Sara just looked at her necklace and smiled and went back to the waverider.

Barry woke up and turned hoping to see Sara but all he saw was a piece of paper so he grabbed it and read it


I am sorry that I had left before you woke up because I knew if I stayed any longer I would just stay because I love sleeping beside you I love you and yes I would love that normal life we talked about but not yet I still have a few things to do like being the captain I am sorry if me leaving hurt you because it hurts me missing the warmth miss being with you and watching my handsome sexy speedster sleeping. Thank you for everything on a date night and for taking me to see my Dad and Team Arrow.  Text me when you wake up until next time Babe 


from your pretty bird  Sara

Barry sighed but he understood that. He turned and grabbed his phone from the bedside drawer and texted Sara

Scarlett Speedster: Hey Pretty Bird also Good morning and I am sorry wasn't awake I love you too.

White Canary: Sorry Babe and I love you too hope you understand

Scarlett Speedster: I do Lance don't worry...We will get that day 

White Canary: We will I have to go but we call soon 

Scarlett Speedster: of course Pretty Bird

The two stopped texting and Barry stood up and went got breakfast before he went to work for the day.

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