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Barry woke up and saw his girlfriend sleeping on his chest he rubbed her hair smiling at her sleeping face "stop staring" she whisper "how you know I was staring" he asked "I can sense it" she says he smiled and brought his head down kissed her lips she smiled and put her hand on his neck kissing back "morning" she says "morning my sweet Canary" he smiled kissed her again he lied down and looked at her "what" she smiled "nothing just you really beautiful" he told her she laughed "sweet" she told him he put his arm around her and on her ass she giggles "someone has a liking for my ass" she said he nodded "want breakfast Lance" he asked "sure Barry" she told him he got up and went to his bag "you know can put some clothes in the wardrobes you know if you ever want to stay more than now" she says getting up and walking to him and hugged him from behind "maybe after we have done" he told her touching her hand then her door knock "can I come in are you two dressable" said Cisco "come in ramon" said Sara rolling her eyes he comes in "morning I love this place anyway Ray said there was alarm and want you the captain to check it out" said Cisco Barry took his top off and and put on another top Sara just looked Barry winked at her she smiled "yeah I am coming just need get changed too and I be out" said Sara.

Barry and Sara went to the bridge to see everyone there "we have located another staff it is in Camelot in 507 AD" said Ray "ok so Amaya Ray Barry Caitlin and Cisco and Nate with me Stein Jax and Mick on the ship" said Sara "ok you heard her Cait and Cisco we listen to her and her team after all they have their ways of doing things so we listen to them now where is my crew" he said "everywhere" said Caitlin and Cisco making people confuse "sorry it just thing we say when Barry and Cisco  stayed at mine once we watch playing with fire" said Caitlin Barry laughed "we watch it someday Sara" he told her she smiles "I'm counting on it  Allen" said Sara kiss his cheek "let suit up" said Barry  "yes but not your hero suits we have to act the part let me show you three where we do design" said Sara the ones going on left and Sara showed team original flash  how to make custom "this is badass I might stay when this is over" said cisco  Caitlin and Barry rolled their eyes Sara helped Caitlin with the outfit.

Sara and her team along with Barry Caitlin and Cisco went to a forest when they saw some people in metal amour and one on a horse "on the ground" said one on the horse "we don't want trouble" said Sara then the person on the horse took the helmet off show a woman with ginger hair "what are your name" said the woman "Sara Lance and these are my friends" said Sara "and boyfriend" whisper Barry making her smile "and he my boyfriend" said Sara Barry chuckle "my name is Guinevere wife of King Arthur" said Guinevere "so Queen too" said Cisco "perhaps" she said with a laugh "Join us" said the Queen so they did as they walking Barry looked at Sara and whisper in her ear "I love the way you did your hair really hot" he smiles she blushes "thanks Babe" she told him he chuckles they entered the castle and went into the gathering hall when Amaya sees someone she knows "Courtney" she said "Amaya is so good to see you again" said Courtney hugging Amaya.

Time Skip

heroes found another stick from the staff and Sara hide it so the legion of doom couldn't find it when Barry thought of an Idea he is in the time ship making food for him Sara Cisco and Caitlin when he felt arms around his waist he turn and kiss Sara head "I think I have an idea Sara" he told her "oh yeah what that" said Sara when Cisco and Caitlin came in "I know where to put the staff or that bit we have at the moment" said Barry "where" asked Cisco "speed force" he said "would it take it" asked Caitlin "no harm trying" he told her "we should ask Stein and see if it work" Cisco says "after food though" said Sara.

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