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Sara woke up to see a sleeping Barry she decided to make breakfast for him this time she gave Barry a peck on his temple. Sara put on a nightgown on and walked downstairs and started making breakfast she saw some fruit then she started making oatmeal and put fruit in it for Barry. Sara made coffee for herself and while she was doing that she looked down and felt her necklace that Barry had just given her she felt loved by him and despite her having family but this love was more different than anything Barry accepted her past and now.  Sara was in her thoughts when she felt an arm around her stomach and kisses on her cheek to neck "Morning Pretty bird" said Barry "Barry you're supposed to be in bed I was making you breakfast in bed for change" said Sara.

Barry had a smile "you mad at me this early" said Barry making her turn to face him "of course because you Mr Allen make me breakfast in bed and I wanted to do this one good thing as you treat me well" Sara said. "Sara I love treating you well I don't want you to worry thinking you do the same" Barry told his girlfriend and she kissed him "I don't care I still want to treat my boyfriend the same way he treats me because Barry Allen I love you and you make me feel way more things than I have ever experience you get me" Sara said Barry chuckle "don't get soft Lance" he winked and kissed her head before grabbing his bowl of oatmeal with fruit on and coffee "thanks Sara too" he said sitting at table. 

Sara was eating as Barry was done now he drinking coffee "what you doing today Barry" asked Sara. Barry looked at her "work and I will see if I can get out early so we can go to Star City to see Oliver and see Thea and your dad too if you want" Barry said she smiled and nodded. "Can I say this is more like you know normal and feels like we are married you asking about my day which you did and making me breakfast it just feels weird but that is normal too what we would like too" said Barry making her think "yeah we do one day Allen" said Sara Barry just nod and his phone went off and looked at it "duty calls meet you at Star Labs" said Barry and went and kissed her lips and cheek and speed off leaving wind making her laughed and sat at the table and thought what Barry just said and she too like that way.

Barry was at CCPD when Caitlin came "Hey Barry" said Caitlin Barry was confused "Hi what up you ok" asked Barry. "Oh yeah I am fine Frost wants to be here she getting annoyed at Star Labs" said Caitlin before turning into Frost "Barry" she said he laughed "You miss me hanging around but some people have real jobs Frosty" he smirked she glared "just needed a break at star labs and yes hang out with one of my best friends" said Frost. "I am touched Frost who is your other one Caitlin or Cisco" said Barry grinning "Caity of course then you and sure Vibe Boy" said Frost Barry nodding. They talked more and Frost and Barry laughed at things. "Thank you Barry I had fun but Caity wants to go back now goodbye besty" said Frost smiling before leaving and Barry shook his head smiling.

Barry went and gave Captain Singh more files before grabbing coffee and walking back to his office to do more work when Sara came in "I bought food for you" said Sara Barry smiled as just on cue Barry's stomach made noises "good timing Sara you are life savour" he said and kissed her cheek. "Barry I have been thinking after we see people in Star City I am going go back to waverider" Sara told him he nodded "I understand you miss the team I get it" he said she smiled "ok good and that is why I love you because you do understand" Said Sara Barry stood up and put his arm around Sara and kissed her "how about before you fully go back after we see team arrow we come back to mine and we watch a movie lady choice" he smile and kissed her forehead she hugged him then.

Star City

Barry and Sara then head to Star City Barry speeds them over and before they enter the hospital Barry helps Sara with her hair away from her face both grin at each other. Sara took Barry's hand and walked inside the hospital and Barry bought ballons and walked into Thea's room "hello Speedy" said Sara Thea looked and saw Sara and Barry "hello Sara and Barry" Barry nodded and put the ballons near the bed "how are you Thea" asked Barry. "getting better each day" says Thea "you are strong you outcome this" said Sara hugging Thea. Just then Oliver and Felicity came in "Barry Sara what brings you two by" said Felicity. "We wanted to visit you and see how thea is" said Sara. "Thanks guys anyway how are you two" asked Oliver "we are good and you want to grab coffee" said Barry and Oliver nodded Barry kissed Sara's head "See you in a bit Lance" said Barry "Counting on it Allen" said Sara grinning.

Oliver and Barry were in the cafeteria drinking coffee "How are you really Oliver" said Barry "William lost his mother because of me because Adrian and Thea landed in the hospital and John has a problem with his hand" said Oliver. "William has you and Thea will be better because she is a lot like you nothing keeps you two down she may not go back in a suit but you need to be there for her and maybe you should take a step back from night job and if I look at Dig hand and maybe we can come up with something at Star labs I mean we are smart and if you ever need a hand only call and I will be here remember we here for you lot" said Barry and Oliver smile and nod "wait are you smiling" asked Barry making Oliver chuckle "whatever anyway how are you and Sara" asked Oliver. Then Barry told Oliver the story of him Caitlin/Frost and Cisco joining legends and stopped Eobard Thawne Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn from time stopping a rewritten history from happening. 

Later On

Then the two went back and then Sara and Barry said goodbye before they visited Quentin Sara's father and talked to him for a while before Sara and Barry went back to Central City to watch a movie and fall asleep with arms around each other.

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