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Barry woke up early to make breakfast for Sara. He carries a tray and walks into his and Sara's room on the waverider as he puts the tray down he feels the bed move and he looks down and sees Sara looking at him. "Good morning Pretty Bird" he grins making her smile he gets on top hand on her cheek and brings their lips together and kisses and she bites his bottom lip before pulling away. "Morning Barry now that I give you my kisses can I have my breakfast" she snorts he chuckles and kisses her head before moving. Barry hands her the tray he was about to leave but she pulled him on the bed. They were talking when the door knocked "It's Caitlin can I come in for a minute" she asked "Come in Caitlin" Sara told her.

Barry smiled at his friend Sara handed Barry a piece of toast "You guys are cute" said Caitlin smiling at her friends "Caitlin" said a blush Sara Barry smiled at his girlfriend he kissed her head before turning back to Caitlin "Everything ok Cait" asked Barry. "Cisco and Ray found another one of those staff but Damien and Malcolm and well along with Eoabard near the place they believe it in France in World War 1" Caitlin told them. Sara nodded and moved the tray to the bedside drawer so she can get up "Getting up now"  Sara says making Caitlin leave the couple to each other. Barry kissed Sara's temple "Question Speedster will we have a normal life or is this all we ever gonna do be legend or heroes" asked Sara Barry was about take the tray but he turned and looked at her changing her top he went behind her. He helps fix her hair "Lance I know being this all time can be hard and trust me I asked myself that question too but I actually don't think we will be like this all our life we will have that normal life whatever that is called. 

The couple left and went to the bridge to meet the teams waiting, Sara set a course to France and then made Nate Ray and Mick go as Barry and Cisco were on stand-by just in case things went south but Nate and Ray were fangirling about an author they met who was a soldier before a writer by name of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien or short J.R.R Tolkien who wrote Lord of the rings and the hobbit then three legends saw Damien Malcolm with Lenord Snart from the past too shocking the legends but before the four can do damage Barry speed in knocking Damien Malcolm and Lenord before taking the three legends back to waverider to see Rip in cuffs.

Cisco Ray and Nate all talking about J.R.R Tolkien while Barry brought Sara to the side "Hey before I knock Damien out I was fast and put a tracker in his body so when we find them I will be to busy with thawne you have change do what right kill him or not up to you ok" he said she nods kissed him and brought him in for hug "Love you my scarlet speedster" she said "how much" he tease "just about 100 percent of love" she told him he smile "I love you too Pretty bird and I will always love you no one else can come close to my love well maybe somebody else in future" he says and she snort "and who that" she asked backing away he come close smiling and put hand on her forehead putting piece of hair to side. "Our future child if we ever want them" he told her she give him a big loving smile hugging him feeling so much love.

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