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Barry went to the site and saw a ship "guys it looks like a ship" said Barry but no answer "hello" he repeated just radio Silence then the ship door opened and then green aliens comes out making barry fall they let roar out and all went different directions once they scattered Barry went back to Star Labs to tell the team "it aliens" said Barry shocking them "are they friendly like E.T" said Cisco smiling "no they scattered big scary ugly ones" said Barry "ok what we gonna do" said Caitlin "I am gonna go and look to see if they left any clues" says Barry and he left again but when he got to the scene he saw black cars but he saw Lyla she saw him he waited for her.

She walked over "Flash did you see anything" she asked "yes what going on" said Barry she looked at him then saw a man looking at them "go to star labs" she said he nodded once he left wasn't long she joined and went to Star labs "so we are not alone anymore" said Cisco Barry chuckle and she discuss and show them that the same aliens was in 1950s "you can't do this on your own Barry you maybe should list leave it" said Lyla before leaving "you heard her you can't do this on your own" said Iris "no but we won't be" says Barry with a smile "I am heading out" says Barry and speeding off again to Star City and to discuss  what happening in Central city.

Time Skip

Barry and Cisco got Kara from Earth 38 "Barry I thought you bringing an Alien" says Oliver "and I did" he says looking at Kara "everyone this is my friend Kara Danvers or on her earth supergirl" said Barry then he sees Sara she smile at him he gives her a smile back "so what are all your names" said Kara Barry lets her asked everyone names Barry takes his phone out and text Sara

Scarlet Speedster: hi you look beautiful as always and I miss you is it bad I want to kiss you in front of everyone

White Canary: thanks Flash and I too want to kiss you maybe you should I know we said keep it secret but I like you too much 

Scarlet Speedster: 😘 I am going kiss you now let's see their reaction

Barry and Sara looked at each other and he went over and both kissed each other people saw their eyes widen and Barry hold Sara tight she pulled away and kiss his lip one more time and looked at everyone "what just happened" said Thea "you see me and Sara met when we were in Spain" he told them "why were you in Spain" asked Oliver "after zoom murder my dad I felt broken and my instinct was to go back in time but I didn't obviously but Caitlin Suggest be away like vacation so I did went to spain and on that day met Sara we hit it off" BArry said and kiss Sara one more time she smiled.

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