"Yes, and like I told my counterpart. She would want me to be happy, thus leading to his reformation as Paw Noir" Adrien said.

"That's an adorable name. Paws are harmless" Luna chuckled.

"Yeah. I forgot to say that I'm glad your family is reunited with your father" Adrien said.

"Gracias," Luna said.

In the waters was a green moray eel sitting in its hole.

"And I'm happy that you have your mother back for months now. I wish I was your age again. Even if everyone thinks I don't look 20 years old. I'm like 3 inches taller than you" Luna said.

"If only. Milady and I were once turned into 7-year-old kids by Youth Maker" Adrien said.

"Heh, really? What did it feel like being a kid again?" Luna chuckled walking by the Atlanteans shopping at the food market.

"The same as now but smaller and cuter as a kitten," Adrien said.

"Aww....with cute paws?" Luna said.

"Yeah, Ladybug had so much fun with the laser pointer," Adrien said.

"I bet. But still, growing up is what it means to learn in life. Discover your interests, and what you wanna be, and live your life on your own. Like I did by moving to my mom's home country to protect my people. They even built a statue of Panthera. They think I came from the Mayans" Luna said.

"Interesting, Before I had no idea what I wanted to be, but now I could imagine that Marinette and I will have a happy future, with kids and marriage. And now Paris is planning to set up a statue of me and Ladybug" Adrien said.

"Maybe that's your future. All your life you said you were homeschooled and your mom raised you well. It taught you something about family. Even your friends too. Having friends is like family too. If only your father could see that you had a life outside that mansion. His parties that you told me about, you said his club members were horrible people. He should never do that in front of you like that. You're just a kid and you have every right to invite your friends" Luna said.

"Yes, I do," Adrien said.

"Why did he choose activities for you when you never asked what you wanted to do?" Luna asked, noticing the kids playing.

"I never had any in mind by the time," Adrien said.

"And I hear you speak fluent Chinese. Learning English was very tough for me, my mom, and my brother when we moved to America but it was fun to learn another language. Especially French too" Luna picks up a rock and skips it into the water.

"Chinese was very tough for me but I did have a teacher to teach me. It wasn't my choice but when my father made me take Chinese, I realized why before I found out he was that monster" Adrien skips a rock in the water.

"What's that?" Luna asked.

"The grimoire book he kept hidden. It had ancient Chinese writing and I had a feeling he would one day make me translate it for him. But it never happened" Adrien said.

"Selfish pendejo he was. But you have a girlfriend who is Chinese like her mom. It made you learn something about her culture, gatito" Luna does another rock skip in the water.

"Well, Marinette is half-Chinese and half-French" Adrien corrected her.

"I know. I met her parents the day I came to Paris for the first time to buy macaroons. Her parents were very nice" Luna said.

"They are and it makes me feel like a son to them. Son-in-law in the future. By the way, how is your father doing besides knowing that 10 years have changed" Adrien asked.

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