Actually Zhu is not crazy to see the unseen. That pendant showed her all the spirits including her own dead grandmother who protecting Shen Wei and Yezhun now through those pendants. But in the eyes of other people, Zhu becomes crazy now to see the unseen not only near to Shen Wei but those spirits keep following her everywhere she went to make sure she will not disturb and hurt Shen Wei and Yezhun anymore. It's not like those spirits are belonged to Shen Wei but those spirits are from Monk Huang and that secluded temple.

"I feel bad to see her now," Shen Wei whispered to Zhao Yunlan as the wedding event is continued now.

Zhao Yunlan nods with his sighing indicating he feels bad too to see the suffering of Zhu now in attempted to hurt Shen Wei a moment ago. In the meantime in the other place, Mr. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu keep persuading Zhu Hong to calm down but her condition becomes worse. On the night after the wedding event, Mr. Zhao calls Mr. Zhu to concern the condition of Zhu but still the same. Shen Wei suggested to Mr. Zhao to let Mr. Zhu to meet with Monk Huang to treat Zhu if the situation is not good yet.

"Thanks, Xinchi. I am sorry for her did to try to hurt your daughter-in-law. I didn't mean to disturb their wedding with my daughter's bad behaviour but you know, I can't hold her. She lost in her mind to obsess on Yunlan," Mr. Zhu apologized.

"No, Zhu Ming! That's not your fault. Do you know for why did I cut off the tie with you through my company?" Mr. Zhao asked as he replied to Mr. Zhu.

"Is it about my daughter's obsessive love to your son?" Mr. Zhu guessed.

"More than that, Zhu Ming. Honestly to be told, it's because of our mothers. I mean your mother's did to Shen family in her life till now. Shen family got the curse from your mother's did spell which is the black magic spell to Shen family. All Shen family members who sat on the position of CEO in Golden Star Holdings will face with the death if he or she got married. And it's nearly happened to Shen Wei before she married to my son. So, because of this we brought her and her son to get a treatment from Monk Huang in that secluded temple when I can see the happiness my son got from her. She is healed but unfortunately we can't have a tie with you and related to Zhu family. That's why I cut off the tie with you and your family through my company. I am sorry, Zhu Ming. I just did for the happiness of my son. I don't want the same thing happens to my son like what's happened to my mother in her life to forget her real love and accept my father just to protect her real love from the curse by your mother," Mr. Zhao finally explained.

"So, what my daughter faced now is related to the treatment Shen Wei got from that temple?" Mr. Zhu asked.

"Yes, Zhu Ming. Only Monk Huang from that temple can treat your daughter, no one else. She already disturbed what's Monk Huang protected on Shen Wei by trying to hurt Shen Wei during the wedding event," Mr. Zhao honestly told and Mr. Zhu understood the situation now.

"Thank you, Xinchi to tell me this solution. I will find Monk Huang to treat my daughter too," Mr. Zhu said with a thank.

"Thanks to my daughter-in-law, Zhu Ming. She asked me to let you know about this. If you asked me, I will not tell you anything for what's happening to Zhu Hong right now. Deserve her to try to hurt Shen Wei during their wedding day. But Shen Wei insisted to let you know and to treat Zhu Hong as fast as you can for your sake. We can't heal her except the person who gave the protection to Shen Wei," Mr. Zhao told the truth.

Mr. Zhu sighs a little as he knows he lost to Shen Wei to get Zhao Yunlan for his own daughter. For this time, he just knows that Shen Wei is not good for behaviour and attitude except for the best management in Golden Star Holdings. But now, Mr. Zhu can see that Shen Wei is not like what he was expected. Shen Wei is better than his own daughter. Shen Wei is kinder than him to think of his daughter's health problem now.

"Zhu Ming, if you want to see your daughter to be healed, don't postpone the treatment. Find Monk Huang as soon as possible. Zhu Hong may become crazier than now if you postponed her treatment from Monk Huang. Monk Huang knows better how to heal her from this protection. And after this, please respect my decision to cut off the tie with you and your family. But to tell you the truth, Zhu Ming, you are always my friend even though we may not see each other again after this. But if one day we meet at outside, please don't forget that I am always your friend. And please don't have any grudge with my son or my daughter-in-law as well as her staffs and family members," Mr. Zhao said his last words before they ended the phone call on that night while the newlyweds couple already having their wedding night in one of the hotels that belonged to Golden Star Holdings in another city.

"Yeye, let's go to sleep now. I am already sleepy, yeye," Yezhun whined to see his granddad still on the phone now.

"Alright, my grandson! Let's go now! I am done with the phone call. Well, are you done with brushing your teeth before the sleep?" Mr. Zhao backed the focus on Yezhun who is left under his care now at home.

"Done, yeye! Nanny already asked me to do it when you were on the phone with your friend," Yezhun said.

Mr. Zhao laughs to hear that and he lifts up Yezhun to his hold to carry Yezhun to the bedroom at upstairs. Even though Mr. Zhao is already 60 years old, but he still has a good strength to carry a small boy like Yezhun. He is still healthy without any disease. No blood pressure, no cholesterol, no diabetes and no heart disease. He is really healthy. But he retired earlier from his own company because he wanted to give a chance to his son to take over. And now he has Yezhun to take care.

"Yeye, are you will send and fetch me from nursery on tomorrow?" Yezhun asked at the side of Mr. Zhao when they leaned on the bed together.

Mr. Zhao nods.

"I will ask Chu shu to send us tomorrow. We will send and then we will fetch you too, okay? In between to wait for your back from nursery, I will go to your papa's company to check on his staffs and works that he left during his honeymoon days," Mr. Zhao told.

"After you fetched me, can we have an ice cream at that cafe? I miss the strawberry ice cream from that cafe, yeye. Before this, papa always brought me to there. But after he was busy to develop his company with mama, I missed that ice cream a lot," Yezhun whined and now about his papa and ice cream.

Mr. Zhao laughs to hear that. Shen Wei said the truth. Yezhun is really a talkative boy. Mr. Zhao never meet or talk with Shen Nong, Shen Wei's elder brother who is Yezhun's real father. So, he didn't know that Shen Nong is a talkative guy just like Yezhun, unlike Shen Wei who is a silence girl. If not for Yezhun or Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei didn't talk much. She just talked when necessary even with Mr. Zhao himself. Shen Wei only can be a talkative girl when her son or her husband is with her.

"Alright, my little grandson! Yeye will bring you to that cafe on tomorrow afternoon. But promise me to behave without your mama and papa at your side for these coming several days, okay?" Mr. Zhao reminded to make Yezhun promising to be behaved through the days without his parents since his parents took a week of holidays for the honeymoon days in another city.

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