Nightmare at Nationals

Start from the beginning

She then returned to her position on the stage and did a pique turn into an assemble as she performed temps lie before she did a Rond de jambe, before she went in for an aerial, which was the last move of her routine, and jumped up into the air.

She had a magnificent prep into the aerial, flipping in the air, making her feel like she was weightless as she spread her legs apart above her head and landed back onto the stage gracefully as her foot touched down with the hard wooden floor of the stage safely, making the audience erupt into another loud burst of applause.

(I decided to break Maddie's tradition of someone always getting hurt every damn time they perform an aerial. Ha-ha!!! ;p)

After she had caught her breath, she had faintly heard the announcer introduce Marissa, but she didn't care as she slowly walked backstage to find her family, the Campbell's(minus Zoey), Harper and Topher and her best friend, Jordan Barker, waiting for her with wide smiles on their faces.

"Savvy, you were amazing!!!" Wyatt cried as he pulled her in for a quick hug.

She smiled at him as Griffin patted her on the back. "Yeah. That aerial you did was incredible," he said as he pecked a kiss to Harper's cheek.

Savannah found herself trying to hold back tears as she listened to her friends' words of praise. "Thanks, everyone. Your support and kind words mean the world to me. But where's Zoey at?"

Topher shrugged. "I dunno. She told me that she had to use the bathroom because of girl stuff, and she wanted me to pass on her congratulations to you," he answered as he put his hands in his pockets and fidgeted awkwardly.

Savannah hummed as she sat down in a folding chair and took a sip of water from her Stanley bottle. "Okay. Well, now that the hard part is over, it's just a matter of waiting until the judges call everyone back for the awards," she said as Wyatt went over to sit with her and held her hand to comfort her.

"Hey, remember, what I told you, babe: You're always going to be a winner to me," he said quietly as he kissed her cheek.

She smiled at him. "Thanks, boo. But getting to bring home the gold again for another year wouldn't be all that bad, now, would it?"

He chuckled. "I guess not." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple hours later after every team and dancer had performed their routines, it was almost time for the awards to be handed out and Zoey had finally returned from the bathroom, and Savannah noticed that she was acting really apprehensive and nervous about something. But before she could think much more about her weird behavior, she heard the music coming from the stage, which meant it was time for the awards to be handed out, and with a deep sigh, she slowly stood up and walked back out onto the stage with the rest of the team, hoping her solo performance was worthy enough for at least one or two awards at best.

After everyone was seated in the correct spots with their respective teams, the announcer walked up to the small podium that had been set up on the edge of the stage. "Alright, everyone. Who's ready to win some awards?" he asked excitedly into the microphone, which made the audience erupt into another loud burst of applause.

Savannah felt the butterflies in her stomach fly around as she watched various teams get up to claim their trophies, and felt someone nudge her on the shoulder and she heard the announcer say that they were going to start handing out the trophies for the Up Stage Senior Solos, and she sat up straighter in her chair as she tried to fight back against the overwhelming nervous urge to vomit.

"Our third-place top scorer goes to.....entry number 84, "A Sky Full of Stars." 

Savannah felt slightly relieved as she watched the dancer get up and retrieve his trophy, and she saw Wyatt smile at her from his place in the audience.

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now