Part 1: chapter 1

Start from the beginning

" HIDE UNDER THE TABLE!" my brother told her. She scampered underneath it making her unseen.

We moved out the office. Into the club shooting at the infestation that entered my club. Bodies falling to the ground. I crouched down at one of the dead men. When I saw the tattoo of a dagger with a snake wrapped around it. The Germans. I stood up and got rid of the rest of these pests.

As soon as there was a hush in the club. All of them taken out. A deafining boom was heard towards my office. I wasn't bothered until I remembered who I left in my office . I looked towards my brother and we both headed towards my office

Please be OK,  please be OK,  please be OK

As we got closer there was alot of debris from the explosion floating in the air . The door had flown a few meters away from the office. I had to cover my mouth and nose with the fabric of my shirt .

There was mainly smoke so  I couldn't see much. But I searched for her. Even if it was just her body I needed to see her. But she was no here . The blood in my veins felt like boiling hot .

A screeching of tires was heard next. I didn't even need to speak my brother, he already knew where my head was at and we raced to the car. And followed them.

Swerving between cars to get close to the van that had her. I gave my brother the wheel and shot at the two hind tires. Sending the car to spin at the next turn. Until  it come to a screeching stop.

The men in the vam came out pathetically trying to shoot at us but my brothers aim was perfect. It only took 5 seconds and they all fell to the ground. Head shots in all of them.

I raced to the van and opened the back. To find her laying there limply.

Anger coursed through my veins. As I  picked her up in my arms. Bringing her out towards the moonlight i notice her head was bleeding.

I hurried to the car and layed her in the back seat. Racing to get her back to our safe house.

Once there I gave her to my men to patch her up.

I sat in the living room with my leg bouncing up and down fir about 2 hours .  My brother just glanced at me but didn't question why I was so concerned about this women. He wouldn't understand even if I told him .

After the antagonizing 2 hour wait one my men came downstairs to tell me she was fine. The tension in my muscles loosened as I released the breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I went upstairs to my room but she was know where to be found. My eye twitched in anger as I stormed downstairs


"In the basement sir"

I grabbed him by his collar. " who told you to put her there? Huh. She is not a prisoner" I spat pushing him and going the basement. I found her waking up  slowly staring at her hand with blood. But when I was close enough to touch her, she passed out.  Catching her before she inflicted more damage to her head . I then  picked her up and moved her to my room.

As she slept I sat there next to the bed for hours on end. She wasn't going to be out of my sight.

Nia pov

My head felt heavy as if a ton of bricks sat on my neck. My entire body felt like I was hit by a bus. But I managed to crack my eyes open.

I came to see white sheets that stood out in a room that was navy blue. It was elegant yet modern. Smelling of cedarwood. The large windows letting the sunshine in. Allowing me to see the greenery of the mountain side. What is this place?

I turned my head to find deep blue orbs staring back at me. The sun reflected off his jet black hair. His mouth pulled into a straight line. Accentuating his jaw line. A white v neck sat on his broad shoulders and tightened on his arms filled with intricate ink.

He sat in a slouching position with his knuckles to his mouth.

"I'm glad you're wake " a deep voice rumbled out of him

I looked at him. Trying as hard as I can to place him. But I couldn't. It was my first time seeing this man. Even though something in my told me it wasn't.

" who are you?" I asked

A wave of confusion filled his features but he quickly schooled his expression.

" do you know who you are?" he asked me

I didn't expect his question. Of course I knew who I was. But the more I thought about it the more I didn't know who I was . I looked at myself. At the brown skin peeking through the torn slacks, at the delicate fingers and still I couldn't recognize any of my attributes.

I shook my head to answer him still looking at myself

"well then I'll tell you who you are"
I looked up at him waiting for him to continue

" you are Nia Ivanov and you're my wife"


So how did I do?  I'm trying to write this book and go with the feels and not try to do too much with it. Tell me what you think

Much love

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