Planning the wedding

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A great privilege serving under King Zell the first and receiving such recognition by him as he places the badge of honour on my gladiator uniform..

It was a gold crest with a lion and eagle design crafted into it.

What I didn't expect was when he asked me to stand  besides the Prince D'Albernon

"You shall be the Beta to my son. See to it that his plans are well executed on your watch and make no mistakes. I will put you to a test within the next three months before I relinquish my seat for my son to take over," He says boastfully.

We all know how the King is so proud of his one and only son but, we didn't expect him to make such announcement as he is not dead yet.

Prince D'Albernon as king in three months?

That's a breaking news in Grand Amber Kingdom.

King Zell is revered, rules with honour, firm hands and wisdom. He doesn't do ruthless and is most adored by all. It would be my wish to serve under him and not his son.

However, I have no options...I can't disobey his decree.

The procession goes on as the King invites his son to make a speech whiles he takes his seat besides his wife Queen Aoleon Zell.

At this point, I can't wait to go and break the news to the love of my life...Lorena— the one whom I intend marrying before taking on this new quest


"You don't mean it." She gets surprised after I had narrated the event to her.

"I do my love. You're going to get married to a Beta of this great kingdom" I take her hands in mine and search her eyes for the excitement I crave for but it was missing

"Why not the Power Onyx kingdom where my grandmother raised me? I'd be glad we live there...together" she says..

I understand her. The citizens from Power Onyx don't have good things to say about the Grand Amber Kingdom. They've been rivals for ages and it took a miracle for me to meet Lorena.

We didn't have an easy relationship from the time when I first met her at a   friend's party in 'Zouley'—an outskirt area. She had just lost her grandmother who had been her only guardian at that time and was brought there by  friends to cheer her up.

With persistence, I was able to win her love and I plan to marry her as soon as possible.

It took me weeks to convince her to come over so I can break the news to her.

"My love, we been together for over year now. I know it hasn't been easy staying apart from you. Seeing you only on Sundays isn't enough...."

"I know" she interrupts "but my grandmother warned me about this place"

"Yes that was when the evil King Izbahek was reigning but he's no more. I told you he passed away five years ago. There's no cause to worry Lori" I assure her. "You're safe with me"

"But you said you'll be serving under the Prince and not the current king, and from what I've heard about him, the Prince is not different from the late King," she questions out of concern

"It's rather surprising that the King has expressed his intention on giving  up his crown to the Prince whiles he's still alive. I don't know what has triggered this act but we won't be affected by that in anyway.  On the contrary, you can pride yourself with the fact that your man is second in command."

"Hmmm, if you put it that way... you're gradually winning my trust there" she says out of relief and I kiss her sultry luscious lips

We spend the rest of the evening talking about our wedding preparations in the next three months before I assume my office fully, as it will take effect on the day Prince D'Albernon Zell takes over the throne as king of the Grand Amber Kingdom.

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