Chapter 14 I do not need an upgrade.

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Though the day had been started with me currently redoing Michael's bandage, (something happened to make his arm numb. I wouldn't ask, but I assumed he's shocked himself with a plug socket again. Butterfingers) the day wasn't so bad.

Zoe and the other five had been alerted of Henry Emily's plan, and he for the last two days had been looking for a good place to set up a temporary pizzeria to lure in the dangerous animatronics. So while everyone was busy, I finally had time to ask Mike a bunch of questions.

"What happened while you were away?"

"I lost my heart and digestive system?"

"Ew. No." He knew what I was asking for. "I was hoping for an answer to do with the purpose of your visits."

"Well I found my sister." He drew out of his pocket a small piece of robotic equipment. "I believe this is a part of her soul. The good side of her, that wouldn't always try to please her father. Or... Kill her only remaining relative."

"Yikes. Not weird of you at all to keep only half of one of your siblings with you. That's so messed up."

"What makes you think I have more than one sibling?" He'd fallen into my trap that I'd probably forget setting.

"Great! next question! Who's that?" I pointed to the photograph by his bed. I assumed it was his family.

At the back stood a very proud, happy father. Yeah this was taken before he went mad. Beside him, a beautiful blonde haired woman, gazing down lovingly to her children.

I could guess the ginger haired girl was Mike's sister. She was very smiley, with shining green eyes. In front of the photo was Michael, who didn't look so excited. His gaze held hate as he watched the final child, annoyed.

The last of the Aftons was a small boy who wore a grey striped shirt, and held a little golden Freddy plushie with creepy eyes. The frown on his face and the tears pricking his eyes would never leave to join the rest of his families joy. Poor guy. This must be Evan.

I looked at Mike expectantly. I knew what he'd done, but I guess I wanted to know that he regretted it. I heard him sigh as he turned his head away from me, but he knew I wouldn't leave him alone. That's what I do.

"That will be my brother. Who is also dead."

"Bite of '83?"

"How did you know about that?" His voice was weak, sorrowful and concerned.

"I think everyone finds out about these things eventually." I didn't exactly want to tell him that that was why his father sent him to die.

"Did my father tell you?" Shoot.

"He didn't tell me he, showed me. With newspapers of course, he's not some mind interceptor don't worry."

He chuckled to his own thoughts, "he always hated me for that. Never forgave me. I can hardly remember when he seemed like a father, to any of us. Evan was always crying."

I sat down on the floor before him listening out of curiosity this time.

"He was terrified of the animatronics. And I guess I decided to use that to my advantage. I never meant to kill him. It was just a prank, I just wanted to show everyone that I had feelings too. That I couldn't stand always being used to give other people more time. Then my friends encouraged me, and when Fredbear's jaw dropped, I swore to never react like that again. Not like my father cared. He just saw me as a murderer. I don't remember a time after that, when he cared about me."

We left the conversation there. Afton said something while I was there... Before I was killed. I've gone too far now. I thought that with Michael dead, I could be at peace. But you're right. It already feels so wrong.

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