Chapter 1 Mike's absence

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I was sat on a soft, thick carpet playing snakes and ladders with Jeremy and Susie. I was quite obviously winning against the white entities who sat before me.

They were pure white bodies with dark eyes and black streaks beneath them. Each of them were identical, so they were given accessories to work out who's who.

Jeremy was identified among the identical souls by his light indigo tie. He would like to clarify that it is no where near purple, and neither was the Bonnie animatronic he'd once possessed.

Susie often fiddled with a Carl the Cupcake necklace that dangled under her chin. She said she missed having another animatronic to communicate with. Even if it had been stuck to and disabled the use of her hand.

The three of us watched the playing board intensely. Predicting each others next moves and violently rolling the dice. We're quite a competitive trio. Even with the most childish games.

Finally it was my turn to roll. I shook the dice in my hand and dropped them over the board. The first one only showed a one. The second spun around, showing several numbers before landing on four. It totalled to the exact requirement for me to win.

"Sorry you two but that's another win for me!" I cheerfully collected my prize, a dazzling red mineral that I unfortunately already owned.

"You cheated!" Susie was quick to argue.

Jeremy looked unimpressed, "how exactly? We saw her every move."

"Maybe she secretly kept spinning it? Or um... She used magic!"


"Cassidy can do magic."

"And only Cassidy can do magic. Thought you'd figure that out by now."

I intervened on the unwinnable conversation, "Perhaps I'm just too good. Even if it's a game of luck... I guess then the game wins?" That thought would keep them busy.

I walked away as the two argued over the new game theory. I thought about it myself on the way to get a biscuit. Games of luck can't let anyone win, the players don't chose what happens, unless they cheat of course.

I stopped at the door of the kitchen to see Mr Michael Afton looking between a piece of paper and his phone. A grave expression was stained on his face and his pale hand held up his head. Cassidy, a spirit with a golden necklace over her neck was looking up at him expectantly.

"Mike? Are you okay?" I decided it would be a good idea to confront him, something was wrong.

He looked at me, dazed. Memories seemed to be flashing in his eyes. "Yes, yes I'm fine. I may have found a job, or something to do now that Freddy's is closed. I may be gone for a while as I figure it out."

"Great! So I'm now in charge of entertainment for how long everyday to make sure things don't fall apart? No pressure. But why are you so worried?"

"Because it'll be easier for me to get there if I borrow my father's house."

"Won't he be there? Can I come with you?"

"No and no. He assigned me to this job, said something had happened to him, and that I need to find something there."

"So it's a favour." I wasn't too keen about being on a side of war that was helping the enemy. Oh yeah! He is the enemy! So this could be...

"I guess. But it's a favour that's important to me. You shouldn't need to worry about it."

"Mr Michael Afton! This is obviously a trap!"

He was starting to get really fed up of having these conversations over and over again."How? Shouldn't I have figured it out then?! Haven't you ever thought that maybe not everything he does is evil?"

He's missing the point. "Haven't you ever thought that maybe he is evil?"

Mike sighed impatiently, "what makes you think it's a trick?"

"First off he is calling on you after making it clear he doesn't want to hear of you ever again. Secondly, your doing what in his house?"

"Finding my sister." He looked away, sadly.

"She got locked in the basement?" That didn't sound life threatening.

"That's where I was told to go... But--"

"Heading into the basement of a serial killer, looking for a sister you've never mentioned so I'd assume to be dead--"

"We all thought she was, but I've been told there is a chance she's alive. And I have to take that chance, trap or not."

There was an awkward silence. I have him a quiet nod of approval and helped him pack a backpack full of essentials.

I still felt uncomfortable with his leaving, and was convinced he wouldn't return, but I understood his reasoning. If my family thought I was alive, I'd want to find them too. I, joined by the five spirits, stared after him as he left the house. This is going to be the most boring next few days ever.

We'd spent the most of the day looking for things to do. A lot of my time was spent on video games as I was running out of options the spirits get surprisingly good and bored of Mario kart.

Two of them had gone off to do craft in the dining room. And another decided he had a lot of energy to burn so he'd just been running through every room of the house. Except Mike's. His room was off limits.

I had to pause my oh so entertaining choice of activity when I heard loud running in the hallway, soon followed by shouting.

"It's Fazbear entertainment, they're back!" Shaking a newspaper in his hands, one of the souls, wearing a pirate hat and an incorrectly placed eye patch, ran into my room. "I found this in Mike's room!"

"Fritz, you know his room is restricted unless permission is granted." I grabbed the paper anyway. He was right.

Fazbear's fright, the new horror attraction. Mimicking the 'rumours' spread about fazbear entertainment's flaws, mistakes and suggested deaths.

This attraction is built to prove these rumours are all lies.

There is a job opportunity as security guard available to watch over the props while automatic security is not in place. Details below...

"She's not going to apply for a night shift silly!" The child with a Carl the Cupcake necklace teased Fritz. "Michael will find out."

"I never meant for her to get a job Susie." Fritz replied, unimpressed. "But what if William Afton if there?"

"That's not possib--"

"But you're not going, are you y/n?" It was Cassidy who'd cut Susie off.

Their faces didn't show much emotion, but I could see she was giving me a warning glare. I couldn't blame them. They'd been through a lot by getting involved with this company. Plus it felt wrong to go behind Mike's back.

But this was perfect! I could look for any more information on what Mike's father had said happened to him, and not make Mike worry in the meantime.

"I'm going. I don't want to get caught up in this again."

"And you shouldn't!"

"But I'm not letting Afton get away with what he's done. You can't have been his only victims. It's more dangerous to leave this than to persue Aftons new creation."

"How'd you know it was him that built it?"

"I don't." I sighed admittedly, "But Henry Emily isn't behind it, last time we saw him he detached himself from Fazbear entertainment. So who else is responsible? I'm going to Fazbear's Fright."

They looked worriedly convinced. Now I just needed to learn more about the place itself.

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