Chapter 6 Why won't he answer?

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This was concerning. I'd been trying to contact Mike for two hours now. I wouldn't be surprised if he was resting, after working all night, but I also needed to be sure he wasn't dead.

I wanted to share my friends murderous secret with him. He should know that the children he'd taken in had springlocked his father, his supposedly last family member.

If only those kids told us earlier. You can't kill someone, keep it secret, then allow someone to walk into a trap. I'd explained the situation to the spirits, who were watching my attempts, waiting for good news. At least I'd made them regret it.

Cassidy seemed pretty proud of it though. When I returned last night, I heard her talking to herself about it.

I approached her slowly, "Regretting it? You probably shouldn't have killed Mike's DAD. We'll have to tell him, and you know he'll be mad."

"He deserved it. Yet it's not enough."


"Who knows how many others there were. He doesn't deserve to live, but to die is too sweet for him. I would rather see him suffer for as long as I'd allow it!"

I was beginning to worry for her. It's not like her to hold a grudge.

After my final attempt, calling Michael and sending voice messages, my reaction ended in tears. I couldn't handle this. He should have listened to me, even if I didn't have reasoning at the time. What if it's too late to save him?

I sat cross legged on my bed, my face in my hands. I was trembling, afraid it was too late. My friends finally came into my room, surrounding me in a hug.

I can't lose him. He's not dead. I refuse to believe it.


We sat silently at the table during lunch, occasionally looking towards Mike's empty seat. I felt the most guilty. Though I was often told it's not my fault.

I needed to know he was ok. But he refused to tell me the his exact location. I couldn't find his father's house, and no one else knew where to go from here.

After not eating anything, I retreated back to my room. I opened my sketchbook and turned back to something I drew a long time ago. A picture of the seven of us. He will be fine.

Drawing helps me calm down when I'm stressed. So I turned to a new blank page. There I drew (f/a) in a forest. It wasn't as I'd pictured it but it wasn't too bad. Soon I was absorbed into my book, enjoying the distraction and drawing whatever came to my mind.

I checked my watch after a while. 8pm. I got up lazily and got ready to go. It seems Susie made dinner for the others, so I didn't have to worry about that. I gave her a thankful glance before doing my shoe laces. As usual I packed my (f/f), tools and sketchbook.

I took my phone this time, messaged Mike once more, then put it on vibrate to alert me if he were to finally answer me. Rabbit would know somethings wrong. I'd prefer to explain without any tears.

I waited until the watch struck 11:30 to grab my backpack and head for the door. But someone got in my way, before o could unlock the door. Cassidy stood expectantly by the door, watching me approach.

She looked concerned, I kneeled down at her height and listened, "Why are you still going? Isn't it too much for you to handle? You shouldn't go tonight, wait to hear from Michael."

"Cass," I sighed softly, "we're not going to hear from Mike. Not until tomorrow at least. Something has happened to him. For now I'll let him continue his fourth night and I'll pay attention to my phone. If he responds, I'll let you know when I return. Maybe, if I don't find anything, I'll even look for him."

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