35 | Winter Ball

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Jameson and I had our presentation for math today

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Jameson and I had our presentation for math today. I think it went really well and I'm confident we would get a good grade on it. I guess preparing for it months in advance definitely paid off. Plus, Mr. Robinson had no complaints or questions after our presentation.

I felt kind of sad that it was over now because we had been working on it since school started and now we didn't have any lame excuses to hang out with each other.

I was hoping we were good enough friends now so that we didn't need that excuse to hang out anymore though.

"Are you guys exited for the dance tomorrow night?" Andrea asked. She looked super excited since she had been telling us about all the plans that Jonah and her had for the evening.

She told us they hadn't gone all the way yet with each other but they were planning on doing it after Winter Ball. Apparently all those times they were alone together in private rooms at parties, they never actually went all the way.

I was excited for her because although I knew she wasn't a virgin, this would be the first time she was going to be doing it with her boyfriend.

"Yeah I'm excited but I'm planning on talking to Andre about everything after the dance," Abby informed us. I didn't think that was a very good idea because she was going to be stressed out the entire dance but whatever she thought was best.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Stacey asked, voicing my concerns.

"That's the only time he's free to talk," Abby shrugged, sounding unsure of herself. I felt bad for her because she had liked Andre for awhile and he was finally showing her attention but Evelyn put doubts in her mind. I knew if I was in her position, I would go crazy overthinking everything.

"It's okay, I'm sure the talk will go fine and he has a reasonable explanation," Andrea said, trying to reassure Abby. She was always the optimist.

"I hope you're right," Abby said, turning to me. "Jameson has been so nervous to take you to the dance, Brooke. He's excited though."

I felt my cheeks get warmer at the mention of Jameson. "I'm excited too," I admitted.

"Aww you guys are so cute," Stacey gushed. "I'm more excited to go with Lance now. We've been texting more."

"I'm so happy to see all my friends happy," Andrea beamed, looking at all of us with love in her eyes.

The girls were sleeping over at my place tonight so that we can go out early to get our hair done at the salon for our dance. I was happy to have them over because we didn't have a sleep over in so long and it was nice catching up with everyone.

As everyone turned their attention back to the big screen, I felt my phone buzz with a notification.

Jameson: What are you doing right now?

I felt my heart beat faster as a smile appeared on my face. I always felt like this whenever he texted me still.

Me: The girls are sleeping over and we are watching Gilmore girls :)

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