17 | The Game

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I don't know what came over me to send that text message to Brooklyn asking when she was free to meet up again

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I don't know what came over me to send that text message to Brooklyn asking when she was free to meet up again. I had a feeling it was because I felt kind of jealous seeing her with Ace tonight.

My heart rate started picking up once I saw that she responded.

Brooklyn: We can work on it before the football game tomorrow?

Me: Sure

I felt my hands start sweating a little at the anticipation. I wasn't entirely sure if it was okay to feel this way when I was dating Nadia. I've never actually been in a relationship so I didn't know if this counted as cheating.

The sound of keys jingling outside the door snapped my attention away from my phone. I could hear it from where I was sitting at the kitchen counter.

I guess Mom was home.

It was pretty late. Midnight already. She was just getting home from her second job as a caregiver.

"Hey Mom," I greeted her as she entered the house, setting all her things on the table next to the door. "How was work?"

"Busy," was all she said as she sighed and plopped herself onto the couch, sinking into the cushions. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, as if she was trying to relieve a headache. "What's new with you?"

I felt bad for her. She was really trying to make ends meet for us. I only wished she didn't have to work that hard.

"Nothing much. I have a girlfriend now though," I admitted, finally deciding to tell her about Nadia.

"Oh you finally got over that Nadia girl? That's good," my mom responded, smiling.

I cleared my throat. "Um actually Mom, it's Nadia."

My mom's smile immediately turned into a frown. "Well as long as you're happy, honey."

I knew Mom never approved of Nadia. She believed Nadia and all my friends had a bad influence on me, stunting my ability to grow as a person. The only person she liked in my life currently was Abby.

I guess no parent would want their kid hanging out with a bunch of stoners that didn't have actual careers but those friends have been with me through thick and thin. I appreciated them so much for always being there for me.

I couldn't let them go.


"I don't get the purpose of math. I won't even need it in my career much anyways," Brooklyn complained, frowning at the screen in front of her. I had headed over to her house a few hours before the game so we could work on our project together.

"And what is it you want to be in the future?" I asked, curious as to what her desired career path was. I had never actually heard her talk about her dreams and aspirations.

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