10 | Bad Idea

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"So there's this party tomorrow night," Drake started, taking a seat on the couch

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"So there's this party tomorrow night," Drake started, taking a seat on the couch. We were currently chilling at their apartment. I had gotten off my shift that day and headed straight to their place to hang out.

It was weird knowing that Brooklyn's parents owned the hotel that I worked at but I'm glad they liked me as an employee. Brooklyn's dad even put me in consideration for a raise which I was very grateful for.

"Please don't tell me it's Hayden's party," I replied, sighing. I didn't really wanna go to a high school party, especially one hosted by someone from my school. I just enjoyed hanging with my small group of friends instead of a big party where I barely knew anyone.

"C'mon! It'll be fun!" Andre encouraged, taking Drake's side.

"Drake just wants to go because of Stacey and Andre loves anywhere with free alcohol," Evelyn pointed out, rolling her eyes. "But I wouldn't be opposed to free alcohol either."

"I'm with Jameson," Nadia piped in, rubbing her hand up and down my back. "I don't wanna hang with lame high schoolers."

"Brooklyn and her friends will be there," Andre countered, making sure to glance at me. I rolled my eyes at him. Drake and Andre have been nonstop teasing me about Brooklyn. I've been trying to avoid her because it's been making Nadia upset and putting a strain on our relationship.

Nadia scoffed. "Yeah more of a reason not to go. I don't wanna hang with stuck up bitches all night."

I flinched at her harsh words. I didn't hate Brooklyn and her friends, they were all relatively nice to me. I've just been avoiding her to avoid conflict with someone that I loved, Nadia. That didn't mean I enjoyed hearing her shit on them though.

"We could just go for a few hours then leave?" I suggested, wanting everyone to be happy.

"I love that idea," Evelyn grinned, leaning her head against Andre's shoulder. This had been a recent development. I don't think they were actually dating, they were probably just messing around. I was kinda glad though because now Andre can stop teasing and flirting with Abby. I did feel slightly bad though because I think Abby liked Andre.

"Can we pick up Abby on the way?" I asked, remembering that Abby was excited to go to this party too. I haven't talked to her much outside of school recently and I felt bad for neglecting her.

Nadia rolled her eyes at the mention of Abby, making me slightly uncomfortable. I hoped after tonight, they would be able to get along better.

"Hell yeah!" Andre exclaimed, grinning. Evelyn shot him a glare and he responded with a peck on her cheek.

They were kinda cute.

I shot Abby a quick text letting her know we will be picking her up soon. She didn't drink at all so I didn't invite her to our pregame. Evelyn volunteered to be the designated driver so we could all get hammered without worrying.

I was kind of excited to see Brooklyn even though I had to practically ignore her for Nadia's sake. That didn't mean I couldn't look at her from afar though.

Weird things were happening to me at the thought of Brooklyn lately and I tried to push the thought of her to the back of my head to avoid it. I didn't like how I felt around her. It was the fairytale tingles and butterflies and shit.

I'm sure it would go away soon though.

I loved Nadia after all.

"Okay Stacey said they're heading over now so we can start heading over whenever," Drake read off his phone, downing his last shot as he hopped up from his spot at the kitchen counter. "Let's go!"

This was going to be an interesting night.


"I'm glad you guys actually showed up," Stacey giggled, throwing herself onto Drake as she clutched his arm.

We were in the middle of the kitchen in this massive mansion. The sounds of music echoed throughout the entire house and I could barely hear myself think. There were bodies dancing and grinding everywhere. It wreaked of sweat, booze, and weed.

Couples were making out all over the house and groping each other like no one else was in the room with it. It was honestly gross and now I knew why I never attended high school parties.

"Thanks for inviting us Brook," Abby said, giving Brooklyn a huge grin. Brook? Since when were they on a nickname basis. Last I heard, Abby hated her and Brooklyn was indifferent about Abby.

"No problem, Abs. I'm so glad you guys all came," she grinned, her eyes landing on mine. I gave her a small smile before breaking eye contact with her, ignoring the warmth that crept up my spine by just her gaze.

After the warmth disappeared, I allowed myself to glance at her again. A frown was evident on her face as she zoned in on the arm that was wrapped around mine.

Nadia was looking at her with a smirk on her face as she traced circles on my arm. I used to feel tingles wherever her fingers touched but now I was confused on why they weren't appearing.

I was probably just comfortable with her now.

The rest of our friend groups were chatting like old friends and it was kind of heartwarming to witness. Andrea was telling everyone how much she wished this guy named Jonah would show up to the party because she was "majorly crushing on him."

His name sounded familiar but I couldn't quite pinpoint a face that matched it.

"I'm gonna grab a drink," Brooklyn announced suddenly, wandering out of the kitchen. Weren't all the drinks supposed to be in the kitchen?

No one seemed to notice her contradiction as they kept chatting amongst themselves. I was both curious and scared of what was gonna happen to her so I decided to make up a quick lie so that I could follow her.

"I'm gonna find a bathroom," I excused myself, pulling my arm out of Nadia's clutches as I followed in the direction of where Brooklyn headed.

It didn't take me long to find the familiar brunette beauty leaning against the wall, a drink in hand. What surprised me, though, was the person she was talking to.


I thought they had broken up because he cheated on her. So why were they still talking now?

As I got closer I could her yelling at him to leave her alone but he wasn't listening. He seemed super drunk as he disregarded her protests. I could see tears in this man's eyes as he continued to beg for her back.

It was kind of pathetic.

Brooklyn suddenly snapped her head towards my direction as if she could feel my stare against the side of her face. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she noticed I was alone. I quickly looked away, embarrassed at being caught.

When I turned my head to the side, I could a glimpse of Nadia talking to this guy I recognized from the football team. She was giggling as he continued to talk to her, leaning close to whisper in her ear.

I couldn't help but feel jealous and upset. One moment she was telling me maybe it was a mistake to not become exclusive and the next, she was flirting with some other guy at a party.

The guy Nadia was talking to continued smirking at her as he leaned closer to her, putting a hand on her waist. I watched as she didn't push his hand away but instead leaned more into him.

I felt my jaw clench at the sight. To say I was annoyed was a huge understatement. I was pissed.

I knew coming to this party was a bad idea.

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