22 | I'm Busy

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It has been over a week since I had talked to Jameson

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It has been over a week since I had talked to Jameson.

He had finally started showing up to school on Monday but he was very unapproachable. The only person who he would talk to was Abby.

He stopped sitting with us during lunch and he didn't make any efforts to talk to me in class.

I had tried to talk to him a few times but I would just be met with silence. He often had no readable expression on his face throughout the entire day.

It was like the past few weeks of hanging out together never happened.

We were practically strangers again.

"So I was thinking about doing a cabin weekend for my birthday," Abby brought up during lunch. I scanned the cafeteria looking for a certain dark haired boy but to my disappoint, he was nowhere to be seen. Again.

"That sounds really fun," Stacey added. "Who are you going to invite?"

"You guys, obviously. Jameson and maybe his friends if he wants to," she replied. "You guys can bring Jonah and Ace too."

I nodded. I wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to bring Ace while Jameson and his friends were there. I knew they were coworkers but I didn't know if they got along or talked much.

By now, I'm sure Jameson already knew that we all know what happened with Nadia so I was kind of sad that he didn't want to talk about it with me.

I mean I get it, but I wished things could have been different.

"Is a good idea to invite Jameson's friends?" Andrea asked, voicing all our thoughts.

"I mean it's not like he's going to invite Nadia and if Nadia isn't going then Evelyn isn't either so it should be fine," Abby reasoned. It's like she already thought about it. "Besides Nadia already knows I don't like her so she wouldn't come to my birthday party anyways."

"Do you just want to celebrate it at my place for your birthday weekend?" I asked, remembering that Jameson's friends had said something about wanting to go to a party at my house before. "I mean it would be cheaper for you and I basically have everything we need for the party. Plus, you guys can all sleep over for the weekend. I think my parents will be gone that weekend and Izzy should be with my grandma."

"Are you sure?" Abby asked, sounding slightly unsure about the plan. I knew she felt guilty about using my house but I had no problem with it.

I nodded. "Yeah, plus I don't want you spending extra money when you don't need to. I know how much you work your ass off."

She gave me a look of gratitude before agreeing.

"Great! Party at Brooklyn's. She always throws the best parties," Stacey grinned. She has always told me to throw more parties because she liked being able to just sleep over after instead of having to find a ride back home.

"I second that," Andrea agreed, texting on her phone still. She stood up abruptly, picking up her backpack from the floor. "I'll see you guys later. I'm going to meet up with Jonah before class."

We all waved at her and watched her disappear out of the cafeteria doors.

"Aw, everyone is getting cuffed except me," Stacey groaned. "Brooklyn has Ace. Abby has Andre and I just have a guy that only wants sex with me."

"I don't have Andre," Abby snorted, rolling her eyes. "He still has this weird thing going on with Evelyn. I'm not trying to involve myself with that."

"That's probably a good idea," I said. I would never want to compete with another girl over a guy. I would much rather just leave the situation before getting in too deep with that.

"So Brooklyn when are you getting cuffed?" Stacey asked, turning her attention towards me after basking in her own sorrows for a few minutes.

"He hasn't asked me yet," I shrugged. I wanted to go on his timeline because I didn't really know his history with relationships but I assumed he liked going slow. I realized that I had told him about my past relationship but I still don't know anything about his past.

"Really? If I were him, I would've jumped at the opportunity in making the Brooklyn Thorne my girlfriend," Stacey said, looking absolutely serious about the statement she just made.

"I second that," Abby piped up.

I rolled my eyes. "Guys, we're moving slow remember?"

"Too slow," Stacey snorted.


I looked down at my phone. My text conversation with Jameson was opened up on it and I was just staring at the screen.

Should I text him?

I wanted to see how he was doing but I wasn't sure if it was my place to ask. Did he even consider us friends?

Fuck it.

Me: Are you okay?

I breathed out a breath I didn't even know I was holding before quickly turning off my phone and tossing it next to me.

It sounded like a perfect time to clean my entire room.

I stood up from my spot on my bed before making my way to my desk. I could do some homework?

I opened my textbook and took out my laptop, getting started on homework that I had been pushing off.

Usually after cheerleading practice, I would be too tired to do any homework but today wasn't too bad. We just did some warm ups and came up with some choreography for our next football game.

After finishing notes on one chapter of Chemistry, I grabbed my phone to see if Jameson had replied.

No notifications.

I sighed before turning off my phone and chucking it onto my bed. I had to stop checking for his response. It was getting pathetic.

After doing more of my other homework for a few hours, I decided to give up and get ready for bed. I had finished a few assignments but I had a couple of others left to do but I would just do them tomorrow.

It was clear he was ignoring me at this point. It had been hours since I sent that first text and there was no response from him yet.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I even did my 10 step skin care routine that I would barely do just to pass time. Usually I would just cut that to 2 steps. Cleanser and moisturizer but today I had the time.

As I finished the last step of my skincare routine, I heard my phone buzz. I quickly grabbed my phone but groaned when I realized it was just an Instagram notification that someone liked my post.

I got into bed after getting ready and turned on the tv. I clicked on the Netflix app on the tv and started watching Gilmore girls.

It was my comfort show and right now, that's exactly what I needed.

A few minutes into the show, I could feel myself getting sleepy. I was going in and out of sleep but I wanted to finish the episode so I tried my best to stay awake. I barely felt the buzz of my phone as I started drifting to sleep again.

Jamie: Yeah

Before I could think about it further, my fingers had pressed the "call" button next to Jameson's contact name. I listened to the phone ring before eventually going to voicemail.

Jamie: Sorry, I'm busy

I frowned, feeling slightly rejected.

Me: Okay, talk to you soon.

He didn't respond so I decided to give up and just go to sleep. He wasn't worth my sleep.

Hopefully he would talk to me tomorrow in class.

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