yay school 😑

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A/n:BRO LOOK AT THIS MECH HES SO HES SOOOO FINE WITH WINGS my bad guys I was focused on Optimus with wings anyways on to the story now.
Williams pov

Me and Connor drove to the store after the whole autobot thing and i couldn't take my mind off of it but once we got to the store Connor got out and so did I. We walked in the store and I grabbed a basket then went to the school stuff Connor grabbed the things he needed and i got the things i needed so I grabbed a bag and some things that a teacher needs.

Connor:"so did you get everything you need teach"

William:"do not ever call me that this is only for a few till I find a way back"

Connor rolled his eyes and I paid for everything and went to my alt to put it in the trunk I saw people surrounding my alt and I just groaned once I made them leave I got in after I put the things in the back I drove us home and took everything in Connor went to his room and left me to separate everything so I stayed up all night getting everything ready for us both.
Time skip

It was morning I went to Connors room and ripped the blanket off of him and pushed him out of bed.

William:"get up now or I'll kick your ass all the way to school"

Connor groaned and got up then i went to the living room and I grabbed my bag and went to my alt then Connor came out and tried to get in my alt so I locked the door.

Connor:"what the fuck?!"

William:"you have an alt go drive that your old enough in this world to drive I mean look at raf I know he's young but still you can drive you lazy ass"

Connor flipped me off and went to his alt and got in then we both drove to the school i had so much going through my head but i will have to see how this all plays.
Jacks pov

Today was weird for me and raf because of those robots once me and raf got in school I went to my classes and it was normal till a boy in yellow was looking and was holding a piece of paper so I walked up to him and I had a welcoming smile.

Today was weird for me and raf because of those robots once me and raf got in school I went to my classes and it was normal till a boy in yellow was looking and was holding a piece of paper so I walked up to him and I had a welcoming smile

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Jack:"hey are you new?"

??:"yeah I am"

Jack:"well my name is Jack Derby it's nice to meet you"

I put my hand out for a handshake and he shook my hand.

Ben:"names Ben hex"

After that I showed him to his classes surprisingly me and him had the same classes but once it came to our last class of the day there was a new teacher he looked like a racer by his looks.

After that I showed him to his classes surprisingly me and him had the same classes but once it came to our last class of the day there was a new teacher he looked like a racer by his looks

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And he also looked like a scientist because of the goggles on his head and the green coat Ben groaned and sat in the back and I just took a seat where I usually sit.

??:"welcome to class my name is mr.hex"

He looked at a piece of paper and began to call out each name but skipped Ben's name but I guess he already knew Ben the class went by and Ben stayed behind and everyone left I stayed close to the door to listen to them both.

Ben:"so how are we going to survive because we need energon like the other Cybertronians"

Mr.hex:"I will figure that out later you forget that there are other Cybertronians here? And it will be two times harder to find some because of the decepticons and autobots I don't feel like showing them that we exist especially if optimus found out we are both going to be taken in and questioned"

Ben groaned and I left to talk to raf confused what a Cybertronian was and who Optimus was.
Williams pov

I was in deep thought and I was thinking about how Optimus has to sacrifice himself and I didn't want him to do that so I was going to come up with a different plan then his because I knew it was stupid for him to do that so I was going to take his spot instead I knew it was both stupid and dumb but I was willing to do it I finished putting my things up and went to my alt and noticed that Connor was already gone so I sighed and then got in my alt and began to drive home.
Time skip

Once I made it home I noticed that Connor wasn't even there so I comm him and nothing so I looked at the GPS and saw he was in the middle of nowhere so I turned my holoform off and drove to his area annoyed once i saw him he was in his bot form walking in a cave and I instantly knew what this cave was so i drove fast and transformed and I was by his side.

William:"why the hell are you out here?!"

Connor:"because I got a signal for a large amount of energon"

Connor walked in and I followed behind him and then pulled him back.

William:"look this is a mine that the decepticons have been working on and I believe this is the episode that cee finds out that cliff isn't well cliff...and the mine is going to explode because of starscream"

I tried to pull him back but then heard talking so I pulled him back behind a rock not liking how we just entered a battle zone.

William:"stay next to me"

I was looking around and I tried to push Connor to the entrance but of course there had to be something to stop us which was decepticons the vechicons must have seen us so they began to shoot at us so I grabbed my blaster and shot at them Connor tried to activate his cannons but he didn't know how to do I was pushing him to the entrance.

William:"go ahead of me I'll meet you there!"

Connor ran off and I stayed behind and began to shoot the vechicons and then I heard some yelling so I ran towards where the other exit is which was where megatron left and I began to climb up I knew the mine was about to expose so I climbed faster and then I heard and explosion I hoped Connor got out once I got out I saw the decepticons aiming their blasters at me so I sighed and aimed my blaster and shot them knowing that I was outnumbered but I was going to keep going that was till I got hit in the back and thrown so I looked at the bot who hit me and saw megatron standing there looking at me.

Megatron:"a new autobot..strange I have never seen you.."

I aimed my blaster but the vechicons aimed at me and I saw megatron had that evil grin.

Megatron:"you're different from the rest of the autobots..take him to the nemesis"

The vechicons grabbed me and dragged me away and I got knocked out once I woke up I was strapped to a table and I was trying to escape till i heard knockout.

Knockout:"seems our guest is awake lord megatron should be here in a few.

Right as he said that I heard megatron and then saw him he entered the room and he was looking at me.

Megatron:"seem our autobot is awake now..you see I know that you are definitely from other Cybertronians because I had soundwave look for any records of you but none showed till I paid attention to your frame..it's different more parts which I have never seen"

He stood by my side and I was glaring at him till he raised his servo and I saw he was holding a dark energon I instantly knew what was going on he had called the other decepticons and the two who were worried well somewhat worried was starscream and knockout he did his talking and then injected himself with the dark energon then walked over towards me and then stabbed me with the dark energon and I felt it in my circuits and I blacked out...

William a boy who wants home is now one with Unicron like megatron..what will happen to the brothers next till next time.

1448 words let's go

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