Quiet Moments - GN!Reader

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It's very short, I apologize, but I've got some potentially longer chapters I'm working on.

After a long day at work, you loved to just lay around with your boyfriend. You and Mike both led pretty high-stress lives, working more than full time and trying to make sure you didn't fuck up raising his younger sister was more than enough. Add on Mike's history and an absolutely insane previous job at an abandoned pizzeria, the two of you cherished the little breaks you'd get at the end of the day.

With Abby already in bed, you laid on the couch watching whatever movie was on at the time, enjoying the quiet. You had to be careful laying on top of him, a lot of his injuries were still healing (his leg especially) but he still insisted you cuddle like this when you watched movies alone, mumbling about how it made him feel better.

He liked having you close, to feel your heartbeat and be able to hold you, and you couldn't argue with the sentiment. Funny how near death experiences could do that.

Mike traced nonsense shapes on your back, his other arm wrapped securely around your waist as the TV droned on. His hand drifted down your arm to your hand, lacing your fingers together and squeezing gently.

"I like the way your hand fits in mine..." He mumbled softly. You couldn't help the slightly sleep-delirious laugh that left you, pushing off his chest to look in his eyes more easily, squeezing his hand back. His cheeks flushed lightly, "That was cheesy, wasn't it?"

"'S okay, I liked it." You kissed his jaw, stubble tickling your face as he hummed, tilting his head to connect your lips gently. Sighing against him, you melted into it. It was slow, almost lazy, but it was perfect. You didn't have the energy for anything else, and neither did Mike. When you pulled apart, you didn't go far, leaning your forehead against his and basking in the gentle affection.

His hand drifted from your back to your hip, thumb rubbing lightly as he kissed the corner of your mouth. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Mike Schmidt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now