Secret Password - GN!Reader

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Michael didn't know what he expected, walking in the door after his new job, but seeing the living room taken over by a huge blanket fort probably wouldn't have made it to the top three. Then again, knowing Abby, he really shouldn't have been surprised.

But of course, you weren't anywhere to be seen, which is what really surprised him.

He knelt by what he assumed was the entrance, greeted by your voice from within, Abby's giggling following soon after. "Can't enter without the password!"

You poked your head out of the fort after a few seconds, grinning up at Mike. "You gonna try and guess the password...?"

"I dunno... do I get any hints?"

You glanced back into the fort, looking for approval from Abby. She grinned and shook her head. "The ruler of the fort says no. You'll just have to guess."

He sighed, smiling softly. "C'mon, boyfriend privileges?"

You hummed, feeling Abby kick your foot. "Sorry, babysitter privileges come first. You're on your own."

He rolled his eyes, smile clearly indicating he was still amused. "You're so annoying. Oh my god," He stood up, muttering and turning towards the kitchen. "I love you so much..."

You paused, pushing out of the blanket fort a little. "What was that...?" You knew Michael sometimes had issues verbally expressing how he felt, so you'd been taking it slow. This was the first time that you remembered where he said it out loud.

He slowly turned to you, looking a little uneasy, "Uh... I- I love you...?"

You smiled softly, getting off the floor and grabbing his hand. You squeezed it gently, watching the unease drop from his face slightly. "I love you too."

Abby made a teasing noise of disgust from behind you in the fort, causing you both to laugh softly. Mike smiled at you shyly, gently pulling you towards the kitchen for a little more privacy. Once there, he kissed your cheek, squeezing your hand. "I wasn't... I wasn't sure if you were ready to use 'love' yet."

You hummed, squeezing back before letting go to get the leftovers you'd saved for him. "I was taking it slow, but I'm glad you did." You smile, putting his leftovers into the microwave and leaning against the counter. "I didn't want to push you too fast."

He smiled softly, crossing the small kitchen to lean against the opposite counter, tangling your legs together slightly. "I got so lucky with you..."

You leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I could say the same about you."

"Well-" You put a finger on his lips, giving him a look. He made a face, glaring at you softly, only slightly muffled by the finger over his mouth. "Did you learn that one from Abby?"

You smiled smugly. "Maybe. It worked didn't it?" He playfully tried to bite your finger before you pulled it away, gently kicking his leg as you moved to take his food out of the microwave, handing it to him.

He took it, kissing your cheek in thanks. "You're amazing, I can't thank you enough."

"Well, the kisses and affection are a good start."


"I'm serious, Mike, I do this because I love you, not because I want money. I have a job for that." You leaned against the counter again, watching him eat the lasagna you reheated for him.

Abby peaked in the doorway, evidently having noticed the two of you disappear. "Are you two doing gross adult things?"

Mike nearly choked on his food, bending over the sink and coughing as you started laughing, Abby panicking slightly at the unexpected reaction. Moments like this were some of your favorites. Just you and two of your favorite people.

Mike Schmidt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now