A Little Help? - GN!Reader

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Warnings for minor descriptions of wounds - set after the events of the movie. No direct gore or blood, just healing wounds.

P.S: Don't get used to me posting twice in the span of 24 hours/lh

You tucked Abby into bed, kissing her forehead and making sure the blankets were just how she liked them before turning off her lights, being sure her little night light turned on before closing the door behind you. Just in time, too, since Mike came through the door at that moment, pulling off his tie with a slight wince. The bags under his eyes seemed deeper than this morning, but that could've just been from a day at work. He'd had to take a less physically-intense job because of his healing injuries from Freddy's, but he insisted he work instead of 'sitting around.' Much to your dismay, but you weren't going to force him to stay home.

His face brightened at the sight of you, though, smiling slightly as he kicked his shoes off. "Hey... Abby asleep?"

"Just put her to bed," You smiled, meeting him halfway down the hall to kiss his cheek, stubble tickling your skin slightly. He leaned into it a little with a sigh that turned into a small flinch, inhaling sharply.

"I think I need to check the bandages..." He turned towards the bathroom, already unbuttoning his shirt before looking back at you nervously. "Would you... could you help me? The doctor warned me about trying to do it alone and... I trust you." You smiled lovingly, nodding and following him into the bathroom. He shuffled around nervously, pulling out supplies from under the sink and mumbling to himself as he went, which you assumed was some sort of checklist of instructions from the doctor.

You watched as Mike set up everything on the limited counter space and the closed toilet, turning back to glance between you and the door. "Could you... Could you lock the door? I don't want Abby to walk in or something..."

"'Course." You listened for the click of the lock before looking back, watching Mike carefully pull his shirt off and sit on the edge of the tub. You'd seen the extent of the damage a few times, but it never truly stopped being painful. Thankfully, his bruising had gone down in the past few days, but there were still bandages over most of the slashes. You shifted the supplies on the toilet to sit in front of him, hesitating when he preemptively flinched as you reached for the first bandage on his side. His eyes met yours in a silent apology, taking a deep breath before shifting to give you a better angle. "Mike..."

He looked at you again, though he had to turn his head slightly. You gently took his hand, which had been gripping his pants, and put it on your knee. You hoped the reassuring contact would help him relax, smiling softly when he squeezed slightly. He smiled at you tiredly, mumbling that he was ready. You warmed up some vaseline on your fingers before carefully spreading it over the old bandage, being gentler around areas when you felt the hand on your knee tighten. Once it was sufficiently covered, you peeled it off and threw the old bandage in the trash before grabbing an alcohol wipe. He inhaled sharply at the cold wipe touching his skin, fingers twitching on your knee as you apologized softly, wiping away the remaining Vaseline before using a clean rag to gently clean the wound itself.

It was healing fine, but it still didn't look great and needed to regularly be cleaned and redressed so it wouldn't get infected. You'd helped him before, but this was the first time you were doing the majority of the work. Mike had been too proud of taking care of himself the first couple times, only asking you to help with the bandage on his back that he couldn't reach properly. Now, though, he relinquished control to you as a display of how deeply he trusted you. And how tired he was.

He hissed softly when you accidentally rubbed too hard, hand tightening on your knee temporarily as he tried to take deep breaths. "Sorry, sorry, sorry-" You set the rag down, grabbing a dry one to gently pat it down before pausing, covering his hand with your own and lightly rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.

He opened his eyes and sighed, features and voice tired. "'S okay, I know it was an accident. It's just a little pain..." He attempted a smile, letting you know he was trying to make a joke. You huffed softly, leaning forward and kissing his cheek lightly.

"Just let me know if you need a break, okay? I know it's already unpleasant but..." You turned, grabbing the bandage materials and setting them within reach before getting to work, carefully listening to Mike's reactions as you went.

In the end, redressing all the wounds took upwards of an hour, the process riddled with little breaks so Mike could carefully stretch or take a few breaths. Once you were done, you pressed a kiss to his forehead as you stood up, picking up the supplies to put them away. "I'll take care of all this, you go get ready for bed." When he opened his mouth to protest, you cut him off. "You've had a long day and you're in pain. I'll be there in no time, don't worry. You can't get rid of me that easily." You smiled softly, packing up all the bandage supplies as Mike shuffled passed you to his room, shirt draped over his shoulder.

When you were done, you quickly checked on Abby, peeking into her room to make sure she was asleep before going to Mike's. You found him on the edge of the bed, looking up at you as soon as you entered and smiling. "Thanks. For... that."

You hummed, sitting on his mostly uninjured side and lightly leaning against him. "It's not a big deal, I don't mind helping. Especially when the doctor said the alternative might lead to more issues."

He leaned into you, sighing contentedly and setting his hand over yours. "'F you say so. Just... thanks for being here."


Mike looked at you, eyes full of love. "Can... Can I kiss you?" After you nodded, he leaned in and carefully pressed your lips together, free hand cupping your cheek and pulling you closer. You relaxed into it, draping your arms over his shoulders, running one of your hands through his curls. He pulled back with a soft sigh, resting his forehead against yours as you played with his hair. "I love you..." he breathed, arms moving to your waist.

"I love you too." You mumbled, pecking him on the lips before pulling back, climbing into bed properly. He followed suit, facing you and draping an arm over your waist as you shifted closer, pulling the blankets over both of you. Through the haze of sleep already starting to creep in, he pulled you closer and kissed your shoulder, muttering about how lucky he was to have you before you both drifted off fully.

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