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The big oak doors opened for me and the Prince and we were announced. On our arrival, everyone turned and bowed in respect to the Prince and I latched onto his arms afraid that one may notice me and point me out. After all, I was nothing but a mere commoner.

"Princess, relax. I'm right here." His velvety voice reached my ears, soothing me. He noticed my anxiety, taking my hands in his he interlocked them. I smiled up at his scarred handsome face expressing my gratitude.

I was shaken up a bit at having to face a massive amount of people. Not just ordinary people but nobles. Bloodlines of royals ranked from the Baron to the Crowned Prince himself. I felt like a little mouse that I'd I was to speak I felt my voice would come out a squeak.

To think he gave me a spanking just minutes ago and now he's being so nice. Those grey depths swallowed me in and if not for the massive crowd around us, we would be in each other's faces. 

"Your majesty" a feminine voice shrieked and we turned to the source. The Prince stiffened beside me and composed himself. A powerful aura surfaced.

A woman walked up to us with her three daughters trailing behind her. They looked about my age but I could tell the were of nobility. They were dazzling in red and green as if they were attending a Christmas carol.

The prince's grip on my hand tightened, his jaw tensed. I could feel the tension around us but the woman was rather persuasive as she ignored his hard glare and proceeded to speak.

"Your majesty" they all curtsied, the three daughters batted their lashes at him. "What a surprise to see you again."


"You do remember my lovely daughters too, do you?" She pushed as they bowed their heads in an attempt to look shy.

"Of course, I do."

"Well then you won't mind me introducing them again. Perhaps there is anyone of them who you find alluring."

"Go ahead."

"This is Annabelle, Matilda and Julietta" she finished and they curtsied again, smiling flirtatiously.

"In that case, let me also introduce you to my princess. Esmeralda, this is countess Dorothy of the Fitzgerald Estate." He said with a proud smile, his intent to anger the countess worked.

Her face turned bright red as she glared at me. "Surely, you do not mean thi-"

"Complete that sentence. I dare you." He threatened in a curt voice, eyes darkened in anger.

She shook her head, fear taking over her senses. "I'm so sorry. Your majesty."

He didn't respond, rather his penetrating gaze gave her the signal to leave. And so she scurried off with her daughters.

"Are you alright my dear?" He asked searching my face as if trying to read my mind. I wasn't the least bit offended, I expected such behavior from her. It is only normal as I had no noble rank in the society.

I nodded. We walked further into the crowd and they made way for us. Goosebumps rise on my skin as I take note of hundreds of eyes watching me. Words flying around wondering who I may be and what I was doing with the Prince. I suddenly wished a hole would open up and swallow me.

I caught a glimpse of a pair of green eyes watching me. Katherine, she was here. Finally I could pour out my heart to someone, I was in dire need of a friend to talk to. Just then Duke Frederick emerged from the crowd and approached us.

He appeared rather cold and in a haste as he motioned for the prince to come with him. It seemed important as the Prince wasted no time in following him.

ESMERALDA (His Innocent Bride) |18+Where stories live. Discover now