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"You again?" Mother inquired. She must know her. From the little information I had gotten from Frederick and the incident that  the other day, she was trouble. An irresistible troublemaker.

For some reason unbeknownst to me, I couldn't help but phantom the feel of her rosy lips on mine. Her eyes never left mine, she shuddered as my hand brushed hers. My gaze shifted from her mesmerizing features to her chest, her bosom barely restrained by the light cotton of her dress. Her skin was as white as snow, clear and silky. Her red hair set in a disheveled manner and her head barely reached my shoulder. 

She was perfect. 

A strangled sound escaped Frederick's mouth, he was opposed to the tension between us, I could tell. He had his chance but he let her go. Unfortunately for him, I won't be letting her out of my sight. 

"Y-your highness" she bowed and I almost chuckled. She was cute. An image of her from last night flashed in my head. Her hair messy as usual, her little pumps in her hands while she walked barefooted. Her dress barely covered her bosom. She looked innocent and clearly unaware of the attention she drew the moment she walked into the room. 

What more could I possibly want in a woman, a queen? 

"Dear. I do believe we have met, haven't we?" 

"Yes your majesty." 

"On that occasion, I ratified your relation to the Duke. I believe we have to plan for your nuptials. And pray tell me, Frederick, why haven't you invited her to the palace? You do know we have some matters to discuss before you are to wed."

"Mother I assure you that is not Frederick's responsibility. I will be inviting her to the palace myself." I interrupted. 

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Frederick asked in a defensive tone now standing in front of me, his face like that of an ogre. 

"Do not worry little cousin. I assure you I can take care of her." Giving him a pat on the shoulder. I pulled her closer to me. "Come along now, we have so much to talk about, Miss?" 

"Frederick" I heard my mother's warning tone and turned. Frederick's hands were fisted by his side, he was ready to strike. I chuckled internally, by now he should know I will always win.

Gracing him with a small smirk, I turned to the lady of the hour. My large hands engulfed hers as we walked away. "Esmeralda. Not to be rude your majesty, but I do believe we have met, you didn't seem to be much of a talker." She was clearly flustered but she was resilient. 

Nodding my head in agreement to whatever she said. I waited until we were out of earshot. "Esmeralda" her name rolled off my tongue. We were closer to the waterfall by now.

She let out a breath when my hands came in contact with her face. 


"We met last night. You were quite funny looking, running around barefooted. It was an amusing sight to behold. Sadly, I was in a bad mood, nothing you need to worry about." 

"Oh. I'm sorry for int-."

"Shhh. You do not need to apologize. Your interrupting was a silver lining. So, Miss Esmeralda, please do well to grant me the permission to court you." 

She was shocked. Her cheeks and ears tainted pink and her once so tough front fell. "You weren't so nice to me last night."

Still acting tough I see. She shifted her weight from one leg to another, a sign of her nervousness. 

ESMERALDA (His Innocent Bride) |18+Where stories live. Discover now