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"Little miss. Where are you heading to?" A familiar voice said.

"Me?" I turned to find a very handsome Frederick and a carriage with several guards around it. Glancing back and forth between my cart of berries and him, I curtsied.

"Is there any other person here I might be talking to?" He asked, his left eyebrow rose half a millimeter. "I  reckon I was to invite you to the Palace."

Staring at my cart, I replied "I'm sorry your grace, but I have to get these sold out today. I'll meet you there when I'm done."

He stared at me in disbelief. "You wish to sell all of that before coming to Palace?"

"Yes" I swallowed. Was I making a bad decision, I mean I do this everyday.

He did a double take and calmly breathed in and out. "Pius" he called extending his hands and one of the guards came forward handing him a bag of coins and grabbing the cart from my hands. 

Frederick came forward taking my hand and placed a kiss on the back of my palm. I could feel my cheeks turning pink, but it couldn't compare to the feeling of an endless shiver running down my spine when...

"Let's go pumpkin. The Queen awaits your arrival."He gave me the bag of coins, leading me to the carriage.

"Uhm." My feet stayed rooted to the ground and I gestured at the jar of raspberry juice I had made for Katherine.

"Oh. I'll buy that one too." He said immediately and I shook my head.

Licking my lips, I feel like I have overstepped. "Actually, this is for my friend, Katherine."

"Did she request for them or is it an act of charity on your side?"

"The latter. Do not worry yourself, you don't have to go through the market because of me. I'll meet you on the other side" I rambled.

He sighed. "Pumpkin, the queen had asked for you. And even if she didn't I would still go through that road for you. To make sure you are safe."

My face scrunched up in confusion. "Safe, safe from what?"

"You ask too many questions, pumpkin. Let's go." He finalized going to pick up the jar.

"Be careful now, it's quite heavy" I warned but he didn't listen. Men being men.

"What makes you think I can't handle heavy stufffff?" he swiftly lifted it up and groaned. He struggled with it and even when it was cradled in his hands, his hand still shook. Seriously how pampered was he? He probably had people doing everything for him since he was toddler.

One of the guards noticed his struggle and tried to help him.

"I do not require your help" he groaned out. He needs to quit. Giving him a blank stare, I walked past him and entered the carriage. Regal carriage.

The bag of coins sat prettily in my laps, it was worth more than I would have sold it for. But I never complain.
Now I have enough money to pay for mother's treatment. All through the ride I had a big smile plastered on my face.

"You are in a good mood" Frederick said looking rather gloomy.

"Is there any reason why I should not?"


I ignored his comment, my mind kept replaying the feeling of joy when my mother finally get well. My heart was ready to burst, I wished the day could go faster.

We had gotten to the market and the carriage had stopped. "Don't take too long" he warned.

The smell of fish hit my nose the minute I walked up to their stand. "Mrs Grimson" I greeted her mother with a hug. She usually returned the hug, but today she seemed rather repulsed to it.

Neglecting the little pain I felt, I headed over to Katherine, she was busy with some clients. Giving her a surprise hug from behind, which she was unfazed by, since I do that a lot.

"I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"You are interrupting. Sales have gone high and I have to keep up. Mother of course, is not helping." She said it loud enough for her mother to hear. She had gotten distracted by Miss Antonia with her little chit chat.

Miss Antonia was an insipid spinster who went about her day doing nothing but gossip. She and Mrs Grimson were tight knit friend and that did say a lot about Mrs Grimson. They were the only two who gave accurate information about the happenings at the palace. I was starting to wonder if the spent their nights there.

"Well, I had brought you some raspberry juice to say thank you. You're such a good friend." I said giving her a big kiss on her cheeks. She had brought home my basket of mushrooms and slipper for me.

She rolled her eyes forcing a smile. "You're welcome."

"Any problem?" I questioned, everyone around here seemed to be looking at me. Did I commit a crime?
Of course not. Have you forgotten you are soon to be Queen... Or Duchess.

That would have been the reason, but everyone was either whispering into each others ear or giving me a disgusting look. Jealousy.


"There is no problem at all. Just hurry up the duke is waiting." Giving me a genuine but wicked smile, she pushed me towards Frederick. I couldn't help but notice the little exchange of looks between them. Is there something I should know.

"Get in, we don't have much time."

As we continued the ride to the Palace, my mind wandered. I had no idea what they were saying about me. I wanted to know, if it was good or bad. I was starting to get impatient and cranky. A warm hand landed on my own, which sat in my lap. It was Frederick's.

He caressed the skin of my thumb, intertwining our hands together. Only now did I notice, I was fidgeting.

We had reached our destination and my eyes instinctively glued to the marvelous sight in front of me. The Palace was always a breathtaking sight to see. Oh, how nice it would be to live in it.

The Queen stood by the entrance surrounded by her ladies in waiting and some guards. I curtsied with a small smile.

She looked away disgusted. Once again, did I commit a crime?

"Seize her." She commanded and two guards were instantly at my side gripping my arms to my back. "Take her to the dungeons."

My eyes widened in shock and I tried to fight them off when a sword was pressed to my throat drawing blood. They dragged me off and I managed to turn in search for Frederick but he was nowhere to be found.

Is that it?

ESMERALDA (His Innocent Bride) |18+Where stories live. Discover now