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"Omg, what did I get myself in to" I say walking into the airport. I never been on a private jet, so I don't even know where to go.

Now I have to call Don. I call Don while i sit down waiting at the gate. "Yes carissima" Don says as he answer. "Stop calling me that. Where are yo-"

"Come on girl" Don says standing not too far in front of me.

"Oh." I say hanging up the phone. My duffle bag was in my hand but he made sure that wasnt the case when we locked eyes.

"Thank you" i say, lowkey already getting tired of carrying it.

He carries it with ease along with his bag.

"So we'll fly to Baton Rouge, I'll get a car to drive you to New Orleans and you can let me know when you're ready so we can come back.

"Don.. you seriously dont have to. You keep going out of your way for me, and i promise i got it" i say. Ive always been one to take care of myself by myself. Im honestly not used to this.

"None of this is too much." He says looking down at me with a soft look in his eyes.

"Are you sure, i cant help but to feel-"

"Solei. As long as im around you wont have to worry about anything else."

Instant butterflies were felt in my stomach, but ignoring what i was feeling i suggested we go.

As Solei and Don sat inside the jet, Don set across from her filling out some paper as she slept. He sneaked glances here and there and even found himself staring at times.

She slept with a light snore and her mouth a bit agape.

As he wrote what he needed to she suddenly woke up. "Good nap?" He says

"It was ok" she says with a deep inhale.

"Well we'll be there in about 2 hours"

"Sounds good." She says looking out the window. It went silent before she spoke again. "This is so beautiful." She says looking out the window.

"Isnt it?" He says putting his pen down focusing his full attention on her.

"Yeah. Why are you being so helpful Don" Solei asks. "What do you mean" he raises his eyebrows.

"You don't even know me, but I'm on a private jet with you." She expresses. Solei would've never expected something like this from a guy like him. She honestly don't know why she agreed to it, there's many incidents she knows of men kidnapping women.

Don sighed. "To tell you the truth, I don't know. It's something about you that just makes me want to trust you"

"Well thank you for everything, no one has ever done anything like this"

Not knowing what else to do with herself she grabs her book. Don seeing the title suddenly got intrigued- it read A Life of Solitude.

"Is it good." He ask

"Yes! Like super good, ive been reading it for a while and so far i love it. Its about this wife and husband who are warriors and after her getting hurt pretty badly her husband seeks revenge -but only ends up getting killed so while shes forced to recover alone cause MIND YOU -her family doesnt support her being a warrior- this guy comes and he's helping her, he ends up falling in love with her- but she refuses to develop anything more with him. Only because she blames herself for her husband's death and is afraid of getting hurt again."

Don attempts to cover his smile but fails when a laugh escapes.

"What." She says with a light smile.

"Nothing, you're just so into the book, it's cute."

Hearing that gives makes her stomach drop.

"Its just so good i cant help myself."

"I see, i like it though" he says getting up and sitting besides her.

"What are you doing."

"Reading with you." He says leaning in.

"Welll ok." She says secretly happy at the fact. She leans in as well getting a smell of his masculine scent, her body getting warmer by the second.

Don sat there as she began to read out loud. Every word was like a cure to deadly disease that had invaded his body. The way she said words in her accent could almost bring him to his knees.

When Solei read she wasnt really processing anything. She only thought about how close and how nice he was to her. She thought back on the conversation with the two men and the Don they were talking about seemed nothing like the one she was reading her book with.

Continue reading the book, minutes later, she looked to realize that Don had fell asleep on her shoulder. After a while Solei eyes gets heavy and she slowly falls asleep too with her head on top of his.

"Excuse me ma'am" the flight attendant calls Solei to wake her. Her eyes eventually open. "Vonni's Express welcomes you to Baton Rouge. The local time is 10:42 am" the attendant says lowly, not wanting to bother Don then walks away.

"Okay, thank you" Solei whispers leaning up. "Don" she taps him softly, but all he does is snuggle more into her.

"Don" she shakes him. "Hmm" he

"Wake up, we're here"

Don leans up from Solei shoulder with a mug on his face. "Fix yo face" she joked, standing up.

"Shut up" he said while doing as told.

"But you fixed that face"she said. Don threw the blanket he was laying with at her as he got up to go to the restroom.

Solei pov

"I'm going to walk to the car that's going to bring you to your destination. If anything happens or goes wrong, call me Solei." Don says looking me in my eyes showing that he is serious.

"Okay Don" I say nodding my head. He walks me to this light gray Altima with my bag in his hands putting it into the trunk.

When he walks to back door he stops and place his hand on my lower back. "I'll be there to pick you up, but remember if you need anything im here" he then plants a little kiss on my cheek. "Be safe."

"I will thank you." I smile. He opens my door and i get in. With the door closing the driver then drives off. The small innocent kiss replayed in my head.

What is he doing to me!

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