Chapter 20: Big Red One

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Over a month prior to current events

Great Red soared through the dimension gap, executing acrobatic feats akin to a skilled motorbike rider. His majestic flight came to an abrupt pause when a ripple in the cosmic forces caught his attention. Utilizing his immense powers, Great Red delved into the disturbance, eager to unveil its origin.

Upon gaining visual insight, he beheld Issei under siege by a trio of devils wielding dragon-slaying swords. Issei teetered on the precipice of death, enduring both taunts and torment from his assailants.

"In this relentless world, witnessing the demise of a Heavenly Dragon's vessel strikes the heart with sorrow," murmured Great Red, his powerful voice resonating in the solitude of the cosmic expanse. "Rarely do they succumb to the embrace of time or ailment; it is the crucible of combat that claims them. Yet, this occasion bears the stain of an ambush, denying the chance for a defiant stand. Issei Hyoudou, your journey intrigued me; I yearned to witness the extent of your potential. Alas, your fantasies remain unfulfilled, extinguished prematurely. May the forthcoming bearer of Ddraig inherit the essence of your spirit," he intoned with grim acceptance, closing his eyes and severing the ethereal connection to witness Issei's inevitable fate.

As Great Red withdrew from the harrowing spectacle, an unfamiliar sensation coursed through him—a phenomenon not felt since the creation of the world itself.

"The potency of this force! It is his! Impossible!" exclaimed Great Red, his eyes piercing through the cosmic veil in search of the formidable source.

To his astonishment, the sinister power emanated from none other than Issei Hyoudou. Engulfed in a violent and oppressing red aura, Issei's eyes glowed with an intensity that seemed to emerge from a bottomless pit surrounded by unimaginable horrors.

"The emanation of this aura transcends the comprehension of mere Devils, Angels, Fallen ones, and the deities across pantheons alike fail to grasp its magnitude," declared Great Red. "Just as a second-dimensional existence falters to engage with a third-dimensional entity unless the latter descends to their plane of understanding, in simpler words, their senses remain unattuned to perceive the sheer might resonating at this level."

Desperation and determination flickered in Issei's eyes as he fervently uttered, "Power, power, power. I need more power. Give me more power!" His words, saturated with a terrifying intensity, sent shivers down the spines of the witnessing devils.

"Issei Hyoudou, your tale remains unfinished, a mere prologue to the epic that awaits," intoned Great Red. "The threads of destiny are yet to weave their intricate pattern, promising an enthralling saga ahead. Brace yourself, for the journey has only just commenced, and the unfolding chapters shall be captivating and steeped in intrigue," he proclaimed with a voice filled with excitement and foreboding anticipation.

Back to the current time

Under the dim light of a foreboding sky of the Dimensional Gap, the much-anticipated moment arrived as Great Red, and the bearer of Ddraig finally crossed paths. A sense of gravity hung in the air as Great Red broke the silence, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

"Ah, at last, we cross paths, bearer of Ddraig. It's about time we talk, hatchling," he declared with commanding assurance.

In the ensuing standoff, Issei and Great Red engaged in a silent exchange, their eyes ablaze with fierce determination. Issei's crimson gaze mirrored the intensity of Great Red's glowing yellow eyes.

Interrupting the silent confrontation, Ophis stepped forward; her eyes narrowed with determination. "Baka Red!" she exclaimed, positioning herself between Issei and Great Red, ready for a confrontation.

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