New Knowledge

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Double update lets gooooo

Aru's POV (I know I am sorry for only doing hers)

"What do you mean my father?"

"Well your father left you when you where little, that's true, but he came back"

"He came back?"

"Yah, but he came back with me" Kara said, "You father had left your family, he missed you all so desperately, but he couldn't come back, eventually he was lonely, so he adopted a daughter, one who reminded him of his Kritika and Aru. He adopted me."

Kara let that sink in.

So my father had adopted Kara, so she was technically-

"So that is why you said you where her sister!" Aiden exclaimed (ngl i forgot he was there)

"Yes Aiden, I am technically her sister" Kara said calmly, "And so you moved here and started a new life"

I was still confused by this, all these thoughts' were swarming my mind.

Suddenly the door opened, and in came Kritika. 

"MOM" I exclaimed.

"Aru are you ok" She exclaimed, "thank you so much Aiden for taking care of her, and KARA! What are you doing here?" Kritika demanded

"I bumped into Aru and Aiden here in New York and she suddenly fainted"

"Well I am going to take Aru home!" Kritika demands

"No mom this competition means a lot to me, and Aiden" Aru said

"Please Aunty, I will take extra care of her" Aiden adds

"*sigh* Ok" Kritika says "I am trusting you Aiden, I am gonna go talk to the doctors."

"That was-" Aiden began

"Easy" I said and shrugged

"I have to go now. My flight is in a couple of hours. If we ever meet again Aru Shah, I hope its better than a hospitals" Kara says and then suddenly leaves

"This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder" I said

"You should sleep Aru" Aiden says, "If not your mom won't let you stay"

"Fine, but you need sleep too" I look around to only see equipment and chairs.

I scooch over and offer Aiden one side of my bed.

"Are you sure? Its not a big bed" Aiden says

"Just sleep"

When Friendship becomes Love- (Aru Shah Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now