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Why isn't my alarm turning off? I just wanna sleep. 

"Aru? Aru?" Someone said distantly.

"Not now mom" I mumbled.

"She is waking up, get a doctor" Someone yelled.

"Sir please leave the room, please, please I will let you know what happens but we must examine her."

Examine? Examine who.

I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. When my eye sight cleared, there was a ceiling that didn't look like mine. 

"Where am I?" I say sleepily

"You may come in sir" 

A boy with dark skin and black eyes ran in. His hair was a mess, and he looked tired. 

"Aru thank the gods you are ok!" He ran to me and hugged me feircly. 

"Um Aiden what happened?" I asked, "why am I here?"

"Aru, you- you blacked out, and you wouldn't wake up and so we brought you to the hospital, Aru 3 days, you were out 3 day. I thought- I though that I might- might" Aiden seemed on the verge of tears. 

"Hey I am ok, better then ever!" I exclaim, "you said we, how else?"

"Kara, the girl we ran from the other day?" 


"The girl with brown hair and brown eyes, you collapsed as soon as you saw her! You know her remember?" He pulls up a picture.

"Aiden, I- I don't know who that is."

When Friendship becomes Love- (Aru Shah Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now