New Memories

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OMG its been so long since I posted, I AM SORRY DONT KILL ME!!!!!!!

Aru's POV

"Hi I am Kara" 

"Umm, hey? I am Aru" I say glancing towards Aiden, "do I know you?"

"Yah so about that" Kara began, "Well before you lived in Atlanta, George, you lived in California. You went to the same school as me. You always were quiet and never talked. You would get bullied a lot."

(Aiden suddenly moved toward Aru protectively, but Aru didn't notice.)

"One day I found you in the bathroom crying. I asked you wants wrong and you told me everything eventually. We were friends for a long time, until,"

"Until what?" I asked, what had happened.

"You were at my house, just me and you, we had our bikes and we were biking down the rode, you were doing all these cool tricks, I keep telling you to watch the cars. We were having fun."


"Hey Kara look at me" Aru called

"Aru watch the cars, I am NOT going to explain to your mom why you are a pancake on the road."

"I am fine" 

They continued to bike and laugh. 

Suddenly out of no where a black car speed down the road. The person inside to distracted by a phone call. 



"Aru, Aru are you ok"

Aru had a cut on her fore head and she was out cold.

The person in the car, a women on the phone, got out quickly to see what happened. 

Her face fell  and said to the person on the phone "I'll call you later" and hung up. 

The next couple of minutes where a blur. 

Aru was rushed to the hospital. The last time Kara ever saw her.


"Oh, I- I don't remember any of that" Aru said

"The accident did that. And when it did your mom deiced it was the best time to move away, when you didn't remember anything and start a new life."

"Not remember what? the accident?"

"No, your father"

When Friendship becomes Love- (Aru Shah Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now