New York City

273 3 29

Aidan POV
We walked out the airport in New York City, it was about 1 in the morning, we were waiting of Aunty to coming, she was on phone with someone.

Me and Aru were sitting outside the airport. Aru looked a little cold, which was reasonable since it was like 35 degrees right now.

"Hey you have another jacket?" I ask

"No, it's in my other bag, with Aunty" she said

I leaned over and pulled out a green hoodie from my backpack and handed it to her.

"Here you are gonna freeze" I said

"Thanks" she mumbled before putting it on. It was big for her, but it looked great on her. 
She looked cute,

wait what was that, she is my FRIEND!!! I DO NOT think she is cute.

But she is-

Shut up brain

"Um Aidan you ok?" She asked

"Um yes" I said, I felt stupid arguing with my self.

"You sure?"

"Yah I am fine" I said

Aunty walked over and saved me from this conversation.

"The taxi is here let's go" she said

We had to walk to a black car (insert fancy car name) and began putting out stuff in the trunk

"Here" I said grabbing Aru's bag for her and  putting it away.

We sat in the back on each side and the Aunty made Aru move to the centre so we were right next to each other.

The ride was long and me and Aru were finishing up the move from earlier. I felt something fall on my shoulder and I saw that Aru had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I leaned my head on her's and fell asleep too.

When Friendship becomes Love- (Aru Shah Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora