New Friends

441 3 11

Class took forever to be finish with, History was almost over. The teacher went on about the American Revolution. George Washington blah blah blah war blah blah blah general blah blah blah....
Ring the bell went off. Yes time to go. I threw my stuff in my bag and dragged Aiden to the cafeteria.
"Ok so let's got meet my friends!"

I dragged Aiden over to where Mini and Brynee. I also saw Rudy sitting there, we had been friends for a while now.

"Peoples, this is Aiden Acharcy, new kid, and this is Mini, Brynee, and..."

"Rudy!?" Aiden said

"Hey cuz I heard you moved here, didn't know you were going to this school!" Rudy said, "seems like you didn't change at all, you still were cloths like THAT!"

"Come on let's eat I am starving" I said.

We sat down next to me was Aiden and my other side was Mini, it was a circle table so it was like:

            Aiden.                           Mini

                      Brynee.        Rudy

"So," aru said, "you know Rudy.."

"He is my Cousin, lives here with my other Aunt, Urva-" Aiden was cut off

"Aiden-honey, why are you sitting with those losers, when you could sit with me" Poppy said walking over

Aiden uncomfortable with the distance between him and poppy which was definitely less than a foot.

"Aiden is fine sitting here" I say interrupting

Poppy look angry but walked away.

"I am sorry about her, she is always like that" I said

"Poppy wants everything her way" Brynee says

"wo humasha sa ase thee" Brynee mumbles in Hindi (for those who don't know, it translates to: she was always like that)

"She does seem like that" I said, "a lot"

Just then the bell rang signaling the end of lunch, I pack up my stuff and pull Aiden to our next class.

When Friendship becomes Love- (Aru Shah Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now