New Enemies

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Aiden POV
We walk into school. Scratched that Aru dragged me in. She was such a nice girl, little crazy if you ask me.
"So what is your schedule?"
"Math, then English, History, lunch, Physics, Photography, and last Study Hall." He said, reading of a paper he had.
"Nice, Me too, except Photography, I have...." She said trailing off.
"What happened?"
"It's nothing" she said "ok some things you should know, Poppy and Adriana" Aru gesture at two girls in to short cloths glancing in there direction. "They are up to no good so remember I warned you"
"I think they are coming over here" I said
"(Mumbles) Really I was having a good morning" she said and I laugh.
"Hello there hottie" poppy said twirling her hair around her finger.
"Hi?" I said looking back at Aru hoping she would get the message. HELP ME
"You must be Aiden Acharcy!" Adriana exclaimed, "oh I will show you around school"
"I already have that covered" Aru intervenes
"Why are you with HER, that girl she is-she is just so so— annoying and stupid. ...That's why her dad left." Poppy said with a smug look.
"Let's go Aiden" Aru said pulling him away.
"Are you ok Aru, what was she saying about your dad" I asked stopping her
"It's just that" then the bell rang "we have to be in math, come on I will tell you at lunch." Looking happy because the topic was over
"Aru, I know I just meet you but can tell me if something is wrong." I say
"I know, I just need sometime" She said
Then began dragging me to class, "I will introduce you to my friends at lunch they don't have and class with me, but now I got you!!"
With that we walking into Math....

More like dragged 😊


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