Chapter 40: Our Next Adventure

Start from the beginning

"Straw Hat!" The Franky Family's twins continued before the door was slammed open, nearly hitting me in the process.

"What brought you here?" Luffy nonchalantly asks them as always.

"Big Bro Franky asked us to bring you guys!" Mozu states.

"The dream ship has been completed!" Kiwi announces.

"They built an incredible ship!" Kokoro's granddaughter finished.

"It's already done? That was really quick!" Luffy shouts in surprise.

"Five top-notch shipwrights worked on it day and night!" Mozu explains.

"Alright! Let's head there right away!" Sanji suggests.

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed as we made our way out of the building.

Sure I'm worried about what's to come, but I can't let that take away from the now. My best friend and his crew are getting their dream ship, and will soon add a new member to their crew. I can't help but be excited for them.

We didn't make it far out of the building before new voices started to call for Luffy's attention. With a large dust storm in their wake, the Franky Family was booking it in our direction, yelling for Luffy the whole way. Once they reached us, they all dropped to the ground, heaving for air.

"Why did you guys run all this way?" Kiwi questions the group.

"To tell you the truth, we came to ask a huge favor." Zambia states. "Did you see the wanted posters?"

"Wanted Posters?" Luffy asks, confused.

"Straw Hat, the bounty on your head has gotten crazy! And all the others are wanted, too!"

"Me, too? All right!" Sanji happily exclaims. That won't last long.

"Me, too?" Nami's expression was one of worry.

"Me, too?" Chopper's of disbelief.

"Instead of having me explain, just take a look at these." Zambia says, through several wanted posters on the ground in front of us. "All eight of you now have bounties on your heads!"

"Wait? Eight? Are you saying mine was raised, even though I'm not a part of the crew?" I questioned the man who in turn nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, yours is even higher than Straw Hat's."

I go to find my poster. The first thing I noticed was that the picture changed. Instead of the side profile with half my face hidden, my face was clearly visible with a smile. The image didn't make me appear threatening in the slightest. In fact it made me look like a nice person who could easily be taken out in a fight. Great, now bounty hunters are gonna think I'm easy pickings.

I glanced down at the price, wondering what the new amount was going to be. Instead of the 300,000, 000 Berries of the past, it now read 400,000,000 Berries. I looked to see if anything else had changed; however, they still only wanted me alive and my name was still Sky Goddess Amaya.

I guess after what Garp told me about my family, it makes more sense now. They wanted me alive for two reasons. One, they needed my knowledge on aircrafts, and two, they know I'm of a world noble lineage. Once they realize I have Robin's knowledge on poneglyphs, they will have yet a third reason to take me in. Sigh.

Zambia started to list off everyone's new bounties. Luffy was ecstatic that his raised to 300,000 Berries, while Zoro looked proud with his new amount. Chopper looked like he lost his dignity when he heard that he was worth 50 Berries, and Nami looked concerned that she was worth any bounty. Robin gave a small smile, but the best reaction was Sanji.

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