Wolves VS Bears

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"Morning Garth." Alexis says as she walks over to Garth with two fish she caught earlier as she sees Garth walking out of the den.

"Morning Alexis. I was worried when you weren't beside me. What do you have there?" Garth asks curiously as he sees Alexis drop the fish.

"Some fish I caught. I thought the meal would do us some good." Alexis says.

"That's pretty good thinking and takes skills to catch fish. I'm impressed." Garth says as he smiles.

"Thanks. You should eat first. You're the Alpha not me." Alexis says.

"No. You should eat first. It's your kill so it's your right to eat first." Garth says as Alexis smiles at him before the two begin eating the fish.

"Ouch!" Alexis says as she feels a rock hit her in the head before she and Garth see Marcel and Paddy.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Getting along better are we?" Paddy asks as Alexis and Garth look at each other and smile.

"Yeah. We are getting along better." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Our experiences last time helped us to find some common ground and better understanding." Garth says.

"What are you doing here?" Alexis asks.

"No. The question is what are you doing here? I give you a first class ticket home..." Marcel says.

"It's a straight shot right to the pin." Paddy says.

"And you blow it?" Marcel asks.

"Yep." Paddy says.

"I-" Alexis then gets cut off by Garth.

"Yeah. I blew it over a cupcake I found in a package. Stomach got the better of me." Garth says as Alexis looks at him.

"Ridiculous dessert. A cupcake." Marcel says.

"Actually they're quite delicious." Paddy says.

"There has to be another way for us to get to Jasper." Garth says.

"Another way? Another way? Always another way. What am I? A travel agent?" Marcel asks annoyedly.

"Come on. What are you kidding me? A great sportsman like yourself always knows a few ways to win the game." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Well there could be a train." Marcel says as he looks at Paddy.

"Actually there is a train. It's the Canadian Express and..." Paddy says.

"Paddy please. It's called the Canadian Express..." Marcel says.

"Yes and it shoots right by Jasper Park." Paddy says.

"Right by Jasper Park." Marcel says.

"If you can catch it... You'll be home in no time." Paddy says.

"No time. Very fast." Marcel says.

"Great." Garth says.

Growing On Each Other Alpha And Omega Garth X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now