Catching A Ride

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"Your ride home." Marcel says as he opens a door on a vehicle as the group sneaks over to it.

"Quick! Get in!" Paddy says.

"Great. I don't like being boxed up like this but better than nothing I guess." Alexis says as she looks into the vehicle before the group sees two humans coming out of the building.

"Hide!" Paddy says as the group hides.

"That right there is Garn and Debbie Theocarcus. Lucky for you they travel every year to Jasper right after Sawtooth." Marcel says.

"The day's looking pretty and so is my woman. This is the song we met to. Come here you. Let's dance." Garn says as he begins dancing with Debbie as some music begins playing from the vehicle causing Alexis and Garth to move and dance to avoid being spotted before Garth ends up holding Alexis and seeing Garn is holding Debbie and kissing her.

"Uh sorry." Garth says as he nervously gets off Alexis.

"No problem." Alexis says nervously.

"Get inside now. Get inside. Quick. Good luck you two!" Paddy says as Alexis and Garth jump inside as the vehicle takes off.

"We will be watching out for you from above!" Marcel shouts as he and Paddy fly after the vehicle.

"Well I'll be watching out for you. He will be breathing heavily." Marcel says.


Later as Alexis feels the vehicle stop moving she quietly opens the door and looks outside to see the couple going inside and looks back to see Garth is asleep.

"Garth?" Alexis asks as she receives no response from Garth before sighing and jumping out of the vehicle.

"They're better off without me." Alexis says as she begins walking off before hearing something drop and looks to see two humans staring at her.

"It's a wolf! Max bring that gun!" One of the humans shouts before the other human runs into the building and comes back out with a gun and points it at Alexis as she backs up in alarm while hearing the vehicle that Garth is in starting back up again in preparation to leave.

"This is it for you wolf. Any last wishes?" The human asks as he prepares to shoot Alexis before Garth comes running over and tackles into the human before he and Alexis begin running.

"Max they're getting away!" The other human shouts.

"Garth!? What are you doing?" Alexis asks in alarm.

"Saving you! Just keep running!" Garth shouts before he and Alexis get stopped as a gate closes their only path.

"No! We're trapped." Alexis says in alarm as Garth growls at the humans as they come over and point the gun at them.

"I got you both now." The human says as he fires a shot only to miss and make a hole in the fence as Alexis and Garth escape through it.


"What were you thinking? Why did you get out? That was our one shot at getting home as quick as possible." Garth asks angrily as he and Alexis are walking.

Growing On Each Other Alpha And Omega Garth X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now