Packs Joined Together

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"We'll be fine dad. Really." Garth says as he and Alexis are with Tony.

"I know. I'm just worried. You're my only son. I gotta worry about you." Tony says.

"I know you do dad. But Alexis and I will be fine. The park we're going to isn't very far from Jasper." Garth says.

"Yeah. We're just a howl away." Alexis says as she smiles.

"And we'll be back to visit." Garth says.

"Are you two sure you don't want my den? I told you I'd happily give it up." Tony says.

"We're sure dad. We want to make our own way in the world. Find a place that's home for us." Garth says as he and Alexis smile at each other.

"Oh alright. If this is what you two want I'll support it. I don't like it but I'll support it." Tony says as he sighs.

"Thanks dad. We'll be back soon to visit. I promise." Garth says.

"And who knows. Maybe by then you'll have grandpups to be introduced to." Alexis says as she smiles happily.

"Well I should hope so. You two will make fine leaders. Good luck out there." Tony says.

"Thanks dad. Come on beautiful. Let's get moving." Garth says as he gestures for Alexis to follow.

"Yeah. We don't want to miss the train." Alexis says.

"Train?" Tony asks in alarm.

"Yeah. Marcel will never let us hear the end of it." Garth says.

"Or Paddy." Alexis says.

"What about a train!?" Tony asks as Alexis and Garth chuckle as they leave.

*1 Year Timeskip*

"And that pups is how your mom and I met." Garth says as he is telling one brown female Omega pup and one white male Alpha pup his story of how he and Alexis met inside a cave den.

"As well as how we fell in love and fought for that love." Alexis says as she comes over with a white and brown female Alpha pup and a grey and brown male Omega pup.

"Wow! That's so amazing." The brown female pup says happily.

"Yuck." The white male pup says in disgust.

"Be nice to your sister Juniper. You know Aria just likes hearing your dad's stories." Alexis says as she smiles at Garth before the two rub noses.

"Eew. Gross mom, dad." Juniper says.

"I think it's sweet." The white and brown female pup says.

"Yeah and our parents can really kick tail when they want to." The grey and brown male pup says happily as he wags his tail.

"Well it's more like your mom and I make a pretty good team. But yes Dawn, Timber it is sweet and we know how to put our heads together when we're by each other's sides." Garth says as he chuckles.

"Well I want to grow up and be just as strong as you dad." Dawn says happily.

"Me too. But I wanna grow up like mom. I wanna show them that Omegas can be strong too! Just like mom did with dad." Timber says.

"Yeah! And that Alphas and Omegas can work together as equals." Aria says happily.

"Don't worry kids. You'll all be heading to Alpha and Omega school soon. And once you do your mom and I can teach you some of our moves and tricks." Garth says as he smiles.

"But that's for a later time. We should get going if we want to meet Paddy and Marcel before it gets too late in the day." Alexis says.

"Yeah. Good idea sweetie." Garth says as the group walks out of the den.

"Where are we going exactly mom, dad?" Juniper asks.

"Well we're going back to our home in Jasper Park for a little while to visit. You'll get to meet your grandpa Tony, grandpa Winston and grandma Eve." Alexis says as she smiles.

"And your uncle Humphrey, aunt Kate, aunt Lilly and uncle Hutch. Along with any pups they've had while we've been away." Garth says as he smiles.

"Awesome!" Timber shouts as he, Aria, Dawn and Juniper run ahead playing.

"Wait for us now kids! We don't want you straying too far!" Alexis shouts.

"Yeah. Wait for you mom and dad." Garth says as he and Alexis smile while continuing to leave with their kids.

Growing On Each Other Alpha And Omega Garth X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now