The Battle Over Spade

Start from the beginning

" C-Captain..." A quiet voice suddenly floated through the communication device, their voice sounding terrified and raspy. " They're... Coming..."

" Who's coming? Report!" Ralph shouted into the device, his voice full of worry and concern, but the device went dead silent again. He turned to look at his King, Queen, and the other Mage Defense Force members. His eyes full of uncertainty, and with the slightest bit of fear.

And suddenly they all felt it.

A large wave of various forms of Mana suddenly began to rush towards them. They all turned to face the darkness, and when they did all they saw were hundreds, maybe even thousands, of glowing eyes rushing towards the castle.

" Everyone, get ready!" Yuno shouted, and they did as he ordered, and everyone pulled out their grimoires, just as he did. He looked at his wife out of the corner of his eye. " You need to leave, take the kids and get to Clover."

" Not a chance, I'm going to stay right here and help you," Neva told him seriously as she pulled her grimoire out and held it at her side. " I need my husband, our children need their father, and this kingdom needs its King. This place is our home, and I'll be damned if I let a few devils take it from us." She added, making Yuno sigh, why was this woman so stubborn at the worst of times?!

As he opened his mouth to argue, suddenly a hundred or so spells suddenly came flying at the Castle wall, making everyone duck, shout, and use their defensive spells to try to block the onslaught. Yuno quickly pulled his wife down behind the wall and used his wind magic to try his best to shield them from as many spells as he could.

" I'm not arguing, Neva! This isn't a request, this is an order from your former Captain and King! You will leave and take the kids with you, and if you don't leave willingly I'll have Ralph drag you there, do you understand?!" Yuno shouted, his voice angry and serious, he rarely raised his voice at Neva. But when he did, that meant he was no longer arguing, and that she either listened to him and did as he said, or he would make her listen.

Neva stared into his amber eyes. He was worried, scared, and uncertain. From the amount of spells that were being thrown at them, from the large amount of mana they were sensing, this wasn't going to be an easy or short battle, lives were likely to be lost. He needed to get his family away now, he needed them to be safe and alive, even if he wasn't himself.

She swallowed the lump in her throat as she suddenly reached out and cupped his face in her hands, taking him by surprise, but also making him soften his gaze. He reached up and placed his hands on top of hers, giving them a gentle squeeze.

'Promise me that you'll stay alive, and that you'll come get us once the battle is over?' Her purple eyes whispered to his, pleading with him, but she saw a sad and hesitant look appear in his amber eyes.

'You know I can't promise you that...' They told her, but instead of being angry or sad, she smiled warmly and lovingly at him.

'Promise me anyway.' She watched his eyes widen in surprise, before they softened again, and became warm and loving as well.

'Alright, I promise.' His eyes promised hers, and she nodded before placing a quick kiss against his lips.

" I'll see you soon." She whispered against his lips before placing one last, longing kiss against his lips before she turned and ran down the wall, using her Diamond magic to shield her from the spells that were being thrown at her. Yuno slowly stood up as he watched her run further and further away from him, his gut telling him that it would be a long time before he would see her or their children again.


Neva ran down the corridors, dodging the servants and maids that ran anxiously past her. The Castle was in absolute chaos, people were panicking and were grabbing as many of their belongings as they could, and others were huddled in the corners, too afraid to move. But she didn't have any time to worry about them, right now she was trying to find her children and her mother-in-law.

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