Chapter 12: The Meet-Up

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When school ended, I was amazed to say how much I looked forward to meeting Max. Not because I wanted to keep kissing Tom but because I didn't have to relearn everything I had learned before in class. I'm still amazed that Tom and Jackie broke up because they seemed to have a good relationship despite Tom saying he couldn't see himself marrying her. It was a little too chill for me, but I guess that my parents must have given a deep impression if they made him change his mind like that. Then again, I haven't seen Jackie for a while, and we never really did hang out together, so I don't know her real personality. Okay, why am I trying to psychoanalyze this so hard? It is none of my business, yet I'm acting like such a Yenta. But here I was, waiting for the romantic drug dealer, Max, at the meeting place that he gave us, thinking of that.

I guess that I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't hear Tom calling my name multiple times or waving his hand in front of my face because he had to tap my shoulder to get my attention. Let's just say I jumped three feet in the air.

"Woah," Tom said as he stifled a chuckle, "you should sign for the next Olympics."

"Yeah, maybe never because I'm in a passionate relationship with kugel and we will never be parted."

This just caused Tom to burst out laughing because he clearly wasn't expecting my witty comeback. It just made me think of how young he looked when he was laughing. In the short time I've known him, I've never seen him look so carefree, which is strange given that it wasn't the best funny comeback I've come up with. However, he had a very contagious laugh, and I soon joined in.

"Ah, the lovebirds are really in love if you can make such a horrible joke," Max said as he came into view.

"I have a strange sense of humor," Tom said as he shrugged.

"I can see that," Max said drily as he approached us.

He and Tom did some sort of handshake that I've never seen, so hopefully, I won't have to do the same thing.

"How have you been, Max?" I asked.

"I have been bored in class since the last time I saw you two. How about you?"

"I've been bored out of my skull," I replied as I reached into my inner Rachel, who would have thought my cousin would have been such an integral part of the case despite her not being here.

"Yeah, school is such a drag to those who are into the real things in life."

"The real things in life?" Tom questioned.

"Yup, like you guys who know that there is more to life than just academics. We see the world for what it really is without the veil of hypocrisy hanging through the screen of the inner chambers of our souls."

"So, not only are you a romantic but a metaphysician as well," I said.

"You have to be in order to survive the chaos of my life, given that my life is a graveyard of sorrows."

Tom and I raised our eyebrows as we looked at one another. This kid is giving Arthur Rimbaud a run for his money not only in a poetical and philosophical context but in the despair that his words give. He seems to be incredibly well-read despite his attitude having a nonchalant yet romantic attitude in life. It's surprising.

"So, you said that you wanted to show us around or something of the sort?" Tom asked while I could see that he was trying to process the inner meaning of Max's words.

"Yes, I'm going to show you all the places that I know you both will have a good time," Max said.

"Just how much of a good time?" I asked, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

The Rookie & Tom Hanson: A "21 Jump Street" StoryWhere stories live. Discover now