Chapter 13: The Next Day

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It was hard to go to Jump Street the next day because Tom and I did not sleep at all since our "integration" with Max's friends and fellow druggies. But I tried my best to be as professional as Tom was by trying to mask how tired I was as we recounted everything that had happened to Fuller.

"Wow, guys, you seem to win the jackpot with Mr. Sanchez and this Russo kid," Fuller said.

"Really?" I asked as I put a bag of ice on my head to try to relieve my growing headache. "I just hope I don't have to go to school today; my head can't handle it."

"You and Hanson can have the rest of the day off, especially since you pulled an all-nighter."

"Thanks, Coach."

"Thanks, Captain."

"Yes, we only knew about the Russo, but we didn't have any idea that a teacher was doing this to girls at Winter Park."

"It's just gross how some teachers take advantage of teenage girls wanting good grades or getting an academic opportunity to win a scholarship just so that he can rape them and hold it against them if they try to say anything about it," I said.

"Yeah, it's like that paternity case with Ioki last year," Tom said.

"Ioki was in a paternity case?"

"Not, really. There was a teenager who was date raped by her teacher, and he threatened her when she revealed that she was pregnant with his child, so she chose Ioki's undercover identity as the father when she started showing."

"That's terrible," I said with a gasp.

"Ioki was really close to getting his badge revoked, and he became paranoid that he was being followed by the FBI or something," Tom said.

"Well, in all fairness to him, it was something that would have ended his career as a police officer if it were true," Fuller said as he pulled the paperwork on Mr. Sanchez out of the file.

"What cleared Ioki?"

"The teenager confessed that it was the teacher, and when her father heard that, he made the teacher confess in front of everyone by using a baseball bat to threaten him," Tom said.

"But wouldn't that have made his confession void, given that he was forced to make it under duress?" I asked.

Fuller gave me a look and said, "It doesn't matter; he got what he deserved."

"Okay, it's just that in the academy, my instructors told me that I wouldn't be able to receive a confession if it was done in that manner," I said as I tried to understand how it was done without angering either Tom or Fuller.

Fuller sighed and smiled.

"Sorry, kid, I keep forgetting that you are still fresh meat."


"Because you act more professionally than most of the officers in the program, including Hoffs."

"Really? But I've only been on the job for a couple of days."

"It's not about how many days you've been at the job. Tom has mentioned how you have handled the case so far, and it's your attitude that showcases that," Tom said as Fuller smiled and nodded.

"Well, in most cases, it would be a breakdown of civil rights that would have caused the confession not to be accepted due to duress, but given that the teacher dated and raped one of his students and was currently grooming another, it was admitted under special circumstances given that the girl was under the age of consent," Tom said.

The Rookie & Tom Hanson: A "21 Jump Street" StoryWhere stories live. Discover now