Chapter 4: "Meeting Judy, Blowfish, and Booker"

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Sorry for the delay. I started a new University degree and was getting the hang of how everything was changing, but I'm now going to try to update weekly.

 I started a new University degree and was getting the hang of how everything was changing, but I'm now going to try to update weekly

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"You missed your calling as a model," Tom said.

Penhall wolf-whistled at me, causing Tom to slap him lightly in the chest and give him a look to act professional. Meanwhile, a woman and two men got upstairs after hearing the commotion. The woman was beautiful with big hair styled in Jheri's curl style and wore clothing that looked like it came from the cover of Seventeen Magazine; I imagine that this is the famous Judy. One of the men was short, wore a janitor's uniform, and had glasses. The other one looked like he had stepped out of Grease or Happy Days; he reminded me so much of my brother Josh.

"Woah, girl, you look like you stepped out of a magazine," the Danny Zuko-wannabe said. "I'm Dennis Booker, by the way."

I rolled my eyes because his behavior reminded me so much of Josh, so I knew he was up to no good. I shook his hand, just to be gracious, but I did not like how his eyes raked in every part of my body. I could see Tom frowning in the corner of my eye, and I realized that this must have been the Booker he was talking about before.

"So whatcha doin' Saturday night," Booker said flirtatiously.

"We will have none of that, Booker. She is my new partner, and I'm training her," Tom said defensively. "Plus, you haven't even asked her her name yet."

The person, who I assumed was Judy came forward with the intent, I think, of distracting both Tom and Booker from a fight and talking to me.

"Hi, I'm Judy Hoffs," she said as I shook her hand.

"I'm Rebecca Asher. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I love your outfit. Is it yours?" She asked after looking at me up and down.

"No, you should've seen her when she first came, Jude," Doug said after putting a marshmallow in his mouth. "She looked like the female version of Hanson when he first showed up, complete with uniform and a Jackie Kennedy hairstyle."

"Really?" Judy chuckled.

I inwardly relaxed now, knowing I wasn't the only one who thought I had to dress formally for Jump Street.

"Technically, Doug, it would have been impossible for me to have Jackie Kennedy Onassis's hairstyle, given that I had my hair in a tight ponytail."

Doug opened his mouth and closed it several times.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Rebecca has done the impossible and finally made Penhall speechless," the janitor with glasses proclaimed. "I'm Sal Banducci, but I'm mostly known as Blowfish."

"It's great to meet you, so you're the janitor, I take it?" I asked.

"It's maintenance engineer," Sal said a little angrily.

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