Chapter 9: A Manic Monday Jewish Breakfast

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Hi Everyone,

I'm sorry for not updating sooner. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (two of the most important holidays in the Jewish Calendar) happened, and I didn't have time to update. I do hope that this chapter is compensation for all that you have waited. Also, I posted the chapter earlier today, but for some reason, it only published the first two paragraphs with the photos of the food and nothing else.

My Sunday came and went without a hassle because my mom was busy bringing Solomon to her game of Mahjong to entice some ladies to introduce their daughters to him. Getting married to a Rabbi is a pretty big thing in Jewish life because it really sets you up in life. If you couldn't marry a Rabbi, the next best choices are marrying a doctor, accountant, or lawyer. Dad was off playing golf with his buddies, and I hadn't spoken to him since Friday night when he embarrassed me and Tom just because we decided to become cops, and me especially because I didn't want to become a lawyer.

Hopefully, Tom wasn't too offended with the way that things went down in my house, given that it was a little suffocating at times. Knowing this and wanting to share my culture with my new co-workers, I spent my entire Sunday baking Jewish foods such as raisin kugel and chocolate rugelach. Personally, I don't like chocolate that much, but everyone around me seems to be crazy about it, so it seemed like a good idea to entice people to try Jewish foods with something as reliable as chocolate.

 Personally, I don't like chocolate that much, but everyone around me seems to be crazy about it, so it seemed like a good idea to entice people to try Jewish foods with something as reliable as chocolate

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I also wanted to do something nice for the other officers and the fellow staff who work at Jump Street

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I also wanted to do something nice for the other officers and the fellow staff who work at Jump Street. Let's just say that I tasted their coffee, and it tasted horrible. Hopefully, this food will entice everyone to let go of their diets for one day because I would like to see everyone eating and enjoying themselves. I can't wait to see the look on their faces because it's not easy to find food like this in the Pacific Northwest if you don't know where to look. Plus, they are known to make people's days feel better. I also might have forgotten to mention that I'm a stress baker.

Even though I haven't spent enough time with Penhall, Judy, or Ioki, I look forward to working with them on different cases. Although I'm not sure what to make of Booker, he makes the hairs on the back of my head stand up. Hopefully, it's just a reaction to him being similar to Josh because he seems to be a womanizer, which I detest. After all, they never really pay attention to how they make women feel. I can't even count how many times I have spent consoling Josh's ex-girlfriends because he dumped them over a voicemail. Booker gives me the creeps because of how his eyes rake over my body. It's like he doesn't care about the person I am, but only how my body looks. I know that type very well.

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