chapter - 16.

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Kinn close his laptop angrily and place this in a table.

He lying in his bed and close his eyes.

Two person stand in the living room when the one boy look away and the second boy is just looking at him. The living room was dark and only raining and thunderstorm sounds was able to heard.

Breaking the silent the,

"Tawan! How could you do this to me. Where did I lack that I deserve this betrayal... Why Tawan??" Asked the second boy(Kinn)....

Tawan didn't look at him at first then he finally look at him.

"Stop overreacting Kinn. I didn't want to do that but you are not giving me time for last two months. I crave for your attention, for your body. If you want then I'm sorry, Kinn, let's forget this, it's not a big deal, I promise I will not do this again."..... Tawan said without any guilty feeling.........

"It's not a big deal??... like seriously Tawan cheating on your partner with his cousin is not a big deal for you??...So it's great to use me??" Laughing the Kinn sarcastically and said again "I hate you, you just use me. Leave from here before I ordered my guards to kill you. From now on there is no any relationship between us , we are over" Saying this the Kinn left.

Kinn open his eyes and looking at the ceiling and his eyes show anger and hatred.

" Now no guy can ever Available to use me ever again." Kinn said himself and or say promised himself looking at the ceiling.


Next day!!...

Porsche comes to office.

Porsche come at his cabin and started his work.

After 3 hours the intercom rings.

Meeting after 20 minutes in 204 no conference room. "Kinn said in the opposite side and cut the line.

Porsche stand up and collecting the file and others information of presentation take with him.

Porsche come to the elevator and come at 60th floor.

He goes to the Xerox machine and made copies of presentation.

Hep comes at conference room and place all the Xerox in front of every chair.

Kinn enter the cabin and looking at Porsche.

" What's your problem. Are you blind??.. what if I didn't come.?? Did you have any idea what will happen then??"

His own words running in his mind see him.

He ignore him and comes near at Porsche.

Porsche give him a file and soon all enter in the cabin.

Porsche turn back and looking at the person who's front of him.

He's also looking at Porsche with shocked.

Kinn comes and shake his hand with the person.

" Hello Mr. Vegas Theerapanyakul" Kinn said professionally....

"Hello Mr. Anakinn Theerapanyakul" .... Vegas also replied back but his eyes back again and again in Porsche.

All take there sit and the presentation go on.

Full time Vegas looking at Porsche again and again.

Porsche take notes and looking at down. He didn't want to look up as he is feeling uncomfortable....

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