fifty two

672 30 2


"Maya" this time I feel it with a shake.

"Go away, Mason" I groan out while throwing my hand in weird gestures in the air, trying to get the tickling breath away from me.

"Maya, wake u-" the sentence is stopped Midway as I accidentally hit hard and I am met with the groaning and hissing of-


Suddenly my eyes are wide open, but still blurry from waking up so quick. "Shit shit, are you okay?" I ask, as I see him sitting near the bed holding on for dear life.

"Sorry, I thought you were-" my sentence is once again cut short once again as I try to get out of bed but am instead entangled with the sheets, falling on top of him causing him to groan more.

"God, just. Stop moving" he says sternly and I bite back a retort. This is embarrassing.

As if it couldn't get any worse, Liv walks in all of a sudden but is met with a groaning Louis with me on top and sheets a mess.

"Oliv-" she just closes the door instantly behind her with a laugh.

I roll to my back, laying on the floor so he could get up.

"Do you think she thought we were.."

"Oh, for sure" he sighs before helping me up.

"Sorry" I mumble and he shakes his head. "But in my defense, I thought you were Mason, trying to wake me up"

"How do you confuse Mason and I-"

"You're always like, Miss Hayes Miss Hayes, so I thought it was him, AND I was sleepy" I say, still embarrassed about what just happened.

"Fair enough" he shrugs before sitting on the edge of the bed. "I would stick to calling you grincheux but that wouldn't fit you anymore"

"What does that even mean?" I finally ask and his eyes widen as if he wasn't expecting the question.

"Uhh... it means.." he doesn't complete his sentence and just runs out the room making me realize it wasn't something glamorous as I run after him.

"Dubois, get back here" I shout after him and hurry down the stairs to see everyone sitting on the dining table, eating food while engaging in conversation that is stopped when we set foot into the room with me pulling him back by his shirt.

"Celena, what does grincheux mean?" I ask slowly and Louis' eyes widen as he shakes his head no and she looks at him apologetically.

"It means grumpy" Olivia speaks up, showing her phone from where she sat with a snicker.

"You snitch"

"I will murder your as-" I get cut off by Miles' tsks "No cursing on the table" he says, sipping on whatever was in his mug.

"What are we, five?" I ask rolling my eyes and sitting on the couch- not far from the dining table- It was suddenly tiring though I just got out of bed.

"Are you not joining? We made pancakes" Celine speaks up with a smile but I couldn't be sure because I just now realize how blurred my eyes felt.

"We?" I question, taking my eyes off the table and trying to blink away the sleep. It was probably just that.

"Yeah. Mason-"

"Wait- Mason?" I chuckle and see Louis sit on the couch in front of me with a plate in hand.

"Why did that sound offensive?" Mason suddenly asks and I shrug focusing on my hands in my lap.

In the middle of a room alive with conversations, I found trapped in the silent chaos of my own mind.

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