twenty one

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Olivia Wilson's POV:

Making my way out the elevator with no shoes, I walk up to the front desk while looking around to see not many people as it was too early for that.

"Hey, Claire, Can I get a key card copy for my penthouse? I accidentally locked myself out and no one was here last night" her smile turns into a frown with every word.

"Are you sure no one was here? I remember letting the delivery guy up to your apartment" she tells and I nod.

"Yeah, it was after that... Around the time Mr. Hayes came in?" I ask in question and she nods, "yeah, I was still there. My shift ends in a bit, I was here all night" she tells me and I frown as she hands me a master key card. Weird

"I'll leave this on your desk on my way out, thanks love" I mumble just shrugging it off and hurrying back in the elevator and letting myself into my penthouse.

I walk in slowly, not knowing if the roach was still in here and relax after looking around to find nothing but my now cold takeout.

I leave it as is and quickly take a shower and get dressed before deciding on taking my new bag as well as one of the many heals that Mr. Hayes was kind enough to get for me.

I ring up Howard as I make my way to the elevator, planning to catch a bite before leaving.

Mr. Hayes enters with me just as Howard picks up and I close the elevator.

Hello...Ms. Wilson? Howard questions over the phone and I speak up.

"Hey Howard, Can you pick me up in 15 minutes?" I ask and I hear a small of course from the other side before I mumble and a thank you and hangup.

"What's my schedule for today... Ms. Wilson?" Hayes speaks up from beside me and I turn to him wide eyed, with a scoff.

"No way, you're actually going to be taking over" I mumble and he shrugs.

"I think my sister left me in charge, did she not?" He asks rhetorically and I groan, taking out my phone and walking out as the lift opens up.

I feel him walking behind me and I speak up loud enough for him to hear while making my way towards a coffee shop.

"You have a meeting with the Cisse twins at 8am. Adi and Sadio Cisse are huge investors in the upcoming project" I stop, ordering first.

"One French Vanilla with a chocolate croissant" I tell the lady and Hayes speaks up as well. "And a coffee, black" he places some cash on the counter, paying for it and I shrug, making my way to a seat while I wait.

"The meeting will just a catch up on our project so you don't need to do much, just sit there and listen to everyone explain about it" I continue once he takes a seat in front of me.

"Lunch with Mr. Cox and Mr. Huxley" I look down at my phone once again, making sure there isn't anything left.

"That's it, there isn't much to do today" I sit up straight, when a lady brings out our order, placing it on the small table between us.

"Is there something else I need to know?" He questions and I shake my head.

"Not really, I'll be there with you to make sure you don't fuck up..." I see him glare at me and clear my throat. "...sir" I add on in respect.

"New shoes?" He eyes them with a smirk, "I'm glad you noticed" I cross my legs.

His phone rings and he gets up, walking over to a distance to take it, though by the looks of it, it wasn't a very pleasant call.

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