thirty nine

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A chapter for everyone that needs more of Maya and Louis... and Maya having a little fun ;)

And no. Not that type of fun you disgusting beings.

Enjoy reading ~

Maya Hayes' POV:

I wake up from my sleep with unbearable pain and sit up, holding onto my lower stomach, Louis' shirt falling off of one of my shoulders.

I get up and try to make my way to the bathroom but my leg hits against a bag and I suddenly remember that Louis had left it here last night.

Opening it, I see menstrual products along with spicy and sweet snacks. Awh.Right next to it were some clothes that seemed to be Louis'.

This is exactly what I needed right now.

I quickly head to the bathroom and as I'm done, I head out and am greeted with a sweet, somewhat burnt aroma.

I head down stairs, letting myself follow the scent and am led to the kitchen to find soft music playing and Louis making something in all his half naked glory.

His back muscles flexed with every move making me stare.

He somehow still hadn't sensed me around and suddenly turns around, cursing to himself in french and holding his chest.

"Fuck, you scared me" he breathes out and I look at him apologetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean t- I- It smells amazing" I say, cursing at myself silently. What was that? Did you just stutter, Maya? What the fuck.

"I'm making pancakes" he smiles proudly and my eyes fall down.

His body did not match the vibes on his face, At. All.

"Pancakes smell that good?" The only time Miles and I tried to make it at home, it ended up burning and sticking to the pan.

He looks at me weirdly before walking past me and into the dining room and I follow behind him, not knowing what to do since I couldn't just keep staring at his back.

He picks up a dining chair and heads back into the kitchen with it in hand before placing it near the place he stood working.

"Sit" he tells me and I do. Wait no, why am a I listening to him?

"I want to help" I stand up after a minute, feeling quite useless in the kitchen.

"Teach me" I say once again and he turns to look at me skeptically but agrees nonetheless.

"I already made the batter, you can cook them?" He asks and I nod.

"Sure whatever, that should be easy enough"

"Alright, so using this measuring cup, take the batter and just place it on the pan, easy right?" Uh huh.

"That's it?"

"We can start there" he says and I shrug, walking up-to and stealing his place.

"Go on" He encourages once I stand in front of the stove, staring at it.

I take the pancake batter and am about to put it on the stove but get stuck in my place when I feel him closer to me than he was before.

My breathing hitched as I turn my head slightly and find him looking at my hand, waiting for me to go on and is about to say something but stops, his eyes dropping to meet mine as my eyes fall to his lips.

God, it's just the hormones isn't it?

Yes it is.

How do I get away from hi-

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