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Same Night

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Same Night

The house was slightly quiet after Sam's departure, the girls sort of migrated back toward their room while Ron walked aimlessly through the house. Walking through the living room, he walked down the small hallway before entering the girls' room.

The girls were sitting on both Jenni and Nicole's beds when they noticed him. Looking toward the ground, Ron lifted his head in their direction as they stared him down.

"What'd she say to you guys?" he asked. "Is she coming back?"

Natalia slightly lifted the corner of her top lip while giving him an "are you kidding?" look as they all sat in silence, sending each other discreet looks.

Jenni cleared her throat before deciding to speak up. "Not to our knowledge, no."

Deena nodded her head before adding to the conversation. "I think she kind of feels like you do all this stuff to her and then she just stays."

Nicole and Natalia sat in silence while Jenni and Deena entertained Ron's questions. Looking at the other girls, he noticed their similar expressions and shook his head.

"Don't give me dirty looks." he told them.

Natalia gently bit her bottom lip to stop herself from making a smart comment while Nicole looked him up and down.

Nicole "Snooki"- "I'm not on Ron's side, I'm on Sam's side," she expressed. "And I don't want to be a part of this anymore because it's so fucking annoying."

Realizing that they weren't going to tell him anything else, Ron left the room. Shaking her head, Natalia stood up from the bed before stretching.

"Sooooo, it wasn't just me who thought his speech was full of shit, right?" she questioned.

Jenni let out scoff. "No."

"Okay, good," she dry laughed. "'Cause that was ridiculous."

Natalia turned around before leaving the room, with the girls following behind her.

Natalia "Nat"- "I think Ronnie deserves an Oscar for that performance he put on for us," she stated sarcastically "It's kinda funny how, now that Sam's gone, he's full of remorse and regret, though it didn't seem that way when he was throwing her shit around and calling her every name under the sun, he's a scumbag and I don't feel sorry for him, at all."

Entering the living room, she noticed Pauly laying sprawled out on the long couch and made her way over to him before plopping on top of him in a huff. He raised an amused eyebrow at her before adjusting himself slightly, making it more comfortable for them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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