Chapter 16: A Happy Family

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[Flashbolt157ninja ]
Earth-SN9; Earthrealm
"At The Tea House, Kara & The Earthrealmers Were Just Enjoying Their Meal, Talking About How They Defeated Shang Tsung."

Johnny: I'm telling you, the locations we've found here are money. mean look at this. Don't the rainbow colors on these mountains just scream Outworld?

Raiden: I cannot believe you'll be telling our story. About how we defeated Shang Tsung.

Johnny: Well the studio thinks it's fiction, not fact. (laughs) But I don't care, as long as it's covering the budget.

Kenshi: I assume you'll be the star?

Johnny: Nope, I'm behind the camera. Writing and directing. Time to let someone younger and prettier take the lead. You know, I've written in parts for all of you. If you want them.

Kung Lao: Us? On screen?

Johnny: I mean they're cameos. But like they say... there are no small parts.

Raiden: Thank you, Johnny. But we must decline.

Kung Lao: But Raiden!

Raiden: The new initiates arrive tomorrow. We must return to the Wu Shi to begin their instruction.

Kung Lao: Of course. You are right.

Johnny: What about you, Takahashi? I need a blind swordsman. And no actor can do what you do.

Kenshi: (chuckling) I would love to... But my work to revive the Taira is starting to pay off. I can't let up now.

Johnny: Well I know better than to ask you. Your plate is always full.

Kara: I know, Johnny. Now if you excuse me, I better get going.

Kenshi: Off to Outworld? To advise the Empress?

Kara: Actually, Mileena's already getting some good advice, with the sorcerers and the general behind bars, It won't be problem.

Raiden: Is something wrong, then?

Kara: I'm just gonna go back to my earth, my grandpa was just busy fighting crime, if he and Laurel return home, they realise I'm gone, I have to stay at home and wait for them to come back.

Kung Lao: Is there anything we can do?

Kara: Not yet, but we're gonna need your help if there's another threat coming. Madam Bo, that meal you served is really amazing.

Madam Bo: That's kind of you to say. Kara. Much like your father.

Kara: Well, hope you enjoy your days, and thank you, all of you, you really did good helping us fight back.

Johnny: No, Kara... ...thank you. Joining forces with you really has changed the arcs of our lives.

"Kara Then Smiles."

Kara: Good to know.

"Kara then walks up stairs and exits the tea house, which the breach opens and she enters through, it closes, leaving the Earthrealmers to enjoy their days."

Madam Bo: All right gentlemen. If you're finished, there's only one thing left to do. Which one of you gets the bad news?

Johnny: Not me. I'm still three mill in the hole on Sento. How uh... thick's your wallet, Takahashi?

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