Chapter 10: Protect and Serve

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[HamatoApple2007 ] [Flashbolt157ninja ] [Destiny_angel123 ]
"At Sun Do, Liu Kang & Kara Come Out of The Portal, But They Were Only Confronted By Li Mei & Her Constables."

Li Mei: Liu Kang, Kara Lycan, Return home. I am to let no one pass.

Liu Kang: We must see Her Majesty. She must call off her attack on Earthrealm.

Kara: And She needs to listen to us.

Li Mei: Her decision was unwise, but she no longer seeks my counsel. And I doubt she's interested in yours.

Liu Kang: The Empress has been deceived. Shang Tsung and General Shao have fomented this crisis as a means to steal her throne.

Li Mei: General Shao?! I knew he was hiding his true intentions. But join Shang Tsung? (sigh) I knew he couldn't be trusted. Were I still Umgadi, he never would have breathed the same air as the Empress. My palace sources told me he arrived out of nowhere and immediately had the Empress's ear.

Kara: You know Shang Tsung was working with Slone and Anti-Matter.

Liu Kang: He gained her trust by treating Princess Mileena's condition. Tragically, she is afflicted with Tarkat disease.

Li Mei: Tarkat?!

"Kara Nods."

Li Mei: The Empress must be beside herself. If Shang Tsung found a treatment, no wonder she embraced him.

Liu Kang: I have shared this with no one. I trust that you, of all people, will keep this secret.

Li Mei: Of course. Were it made public, it would bring down the royal family.

Liu Kang: Li Mei, Empress Sindel needs our help. Will you join us?

Li Mei: Emperor Jerrod's death, the pain it caused Empress Sindel, has always haunted me. I failed the royal family once. I won't do so again.

Kara: ......That's the Li Mei I know......
"At The Down, Li Mei, Liu Kang & Kara Are Traveling In A Carriage."

Li Mei: Everything now makes sense. My Umgadi contacts had said the General's soldiers had been encroaching. But still. I can't fathom it. General Shao committing treason?

Kara: Exactly.

Liu Kang: It is the fruit of a poisonous seed planted by Shang Tsung. He played to the General's vanity, inflamed his prejudices, to convince him that he alone can save Outworld.

Li Mei: He may be unstoppable. The Umgadi don't have numbers and my constables aren't trained for war.

Liu Kang: Know that I, too, will aid in the Empress's defense.

Kara Lycan: And I'll Help.

"Suddenly, The Carriage Stops, Which Liu Kang & Kara Began To Realises That Shao Knows They're Coming."

Li Mei: Driver, what is it?

"Li Mei Then Peaks Through The Door, However, She Spots Reiko & Shao's Soldiers Along With Motaro, She Then Turns To Look At Kara & Liu."

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