Chapter 6: Upward Climb

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[Flashbolt157ninja ] [Destiny_angel123 ] [HamatoApple2007 ]
"At The Living Forest, The Heroes Follow Ashrah On That Path, However, The Kriss Reacts, Indicating The Location of Quan-Chi."

Ashrah: Quan Chi is close. The emanations of his evil grow stronger.

Chelsea: I've Never Seen Anything Like It.

Baraka: That is a powerful weapon.

Ashrah: And my perfect ally. As I smite the evil it finds, I am further purified.

Donny: Huh, I Guess You've Been Keeping It For A Long Time.

Johnny: Now I've done steps, so I'm all for self-help. But since when does a demoness want to be less evil?

Ashrah: I had spent eternity damned to the Netherrealm. I had assumed that's all there was to existence. But then I saw Earthrealm, saw Outworld. Saw there was a better way to live. And that to have it, I needed to cleanse my soul. My sister demons were furious at my change of heart. Kia and Jataaka were the first to hunt me.

Sam: That's Harsh.

Syzoth: Quan Chi is also a demon?

Ashrah: Actually, he's an Outworlder. But he mastered the dark magic needed for unfettered travel to my realm.

"Syzoth Sees An Outworld Bug, He Then Shoots His Reptilian Tonge, He Catches It And Eats It."

Johnny: Any idea how he buddied up with Shang Tsung And Doctor Slone?

Ashrah: She plucked them both from obscurity, taught them everything they know. I've never met her, but there's no question that she is a sorceress beyond compare.

"Before The Heroes Could Go Further, They Notice The Kriss Reacting Again."

Kevin: What Is It?

Ashrah: Quan Chi is near.
"Quan Chi Was Later Seen, Conjuring A Spell, Unknown To Any Other, When He Has Time To Prepare, He Turns To One of His Allies."

Quan-Chi: I am ready for your contributions.

"The Vampire, Nitara. Gives Quan-Chi The Piece of The Crystal."

Quan-Chi: Excellent, Nitara. I need yours as well.

Havik: Darrius and Thave been thinking, sorcerer -

Quan-Chi: Do not try to renegotiate, Havik.

Havik: We need proof that you'll deliver.

Sareena: That he's delivered for Nitara's Vaeternians is all the proof you need.

Nitara: Sareena's right. Because of Quan Chi's magic, my realm's people are no longer poisoned by sunlight. We have finally escaped the shadows.

Quan-Chi: Rest assured. The spells you will receive will bring down Orderrealm's government.

Havik: When will we have them, Quan Chi?

Quan-Chi: After the attack on Earthrealm.....which could be called off if the soul stealer's efficacy isn't demonstrated promptly.

"Havik Then Gives The Other Piece To Quan-Chi, Which He Assembles Them Into A Crystal."
"After The Walk, The Heroes See Quan-Chi chanting in the distance."

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